
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Really sad about this, because Rust Desk has been the absolute best remote access tool I've ever used in the IT world, and that includes many different professional tools like Ninja& Teamviewer.

It's so clean, easy to install and run, fast and low latency, handles multi-monitors great, runs on mobile, Linux, Windows, etc.

Such a shame that it is mired in controversy.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

The process of enshitification is what I was referring to. Discord got super popular by providing users with lots of value for zero cost.

Now, in order to increase profits, they are reducing the scope of features they offer, and increasing the cost of the features that remain.

This will continue to slowly get worse, as users are more locked into Discord's ecosystem and userbase, they will be further pressured to upgrade and pay more money for less stuff.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Discord's enshitification continues.

[–] [email protected] 96 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Artificial scarcity at its finest. Imagine recording a song digitally, then pretending there are a limited amount of copies of that song in existence. Then you sell an agreement to another person that says they have to pretend there is only a certain made up number of copies that they bought, and if they allow more than that number of people to listen to those copies at rhe same time, they will get sued for "stealing" additional pretend copies?

I hope everybody can see how this is the insane and pathetic result of Capitalism's unrelenting drive to commodify everything it possibly can in the pursuit of profit.

As always, the solution is sailing the high seas. Throughout history, those who created or saved illegal copies/translations of literature and art were important to preserving and furthering human knowledge.

Many incredibly powerful people, empires, and countries have tried very hard to suppress that, but they keep failing. You cannot suppress the human drive for curiosity and knowledge.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

It's pretty incredible how well it works. I installed Arch with Plasma 6 on a 2015 T450 thinkpad and it was so crazy how fast everything was.

Felt like a brand new machine, almost a decade old, and bottom of the line specs for that model, but it still ran cutting edge Linux like it was meant to.

My other desktops are even older, but it's the same with Debian 12 and Plasma, they are super responsive and stable. It's pretty wild to see a desktop that's over 10 years old feel smoother and snappier than Windows 11 on a 3 year old, enterprise grade laptop.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago

It's important to acknowledge that desktop Linux was much jankier even 5 years ago. I don't think Windows 7 & Windows 10 would have been worse experiences on average than desktop Linux back in their heyday.

But times have changed pretty drastically. Desktop Linux has improved massively across the board. With so many applications going into the cloud and becoming web-based in recent years, Linux is more viable than ever.

Combine that with the fact that Windows 11 has become so bloated, so clunky, and just straight up unpleasant to use and maintain.

Historical precedent makes a big difference too. When an OS is dominant for so long, the ecosystem around it morphs to fit.

People are raised using Windows, go through school and college using Windows, get a job where their apps are all on Windows. Companies write software for their largest install base...which is Windows. And because the vast majority of companies and orgs use Windows, the IT ecosystem is based around managing Windows systems.

I worked at an MSP a few years back where almost every sysadmin there was far more experienced than me, I was the greenhorn. But when one of the sysadmins had their client's Xen hypervisor go down, they called me because, "We heard you're a Linux guy." At that point, I had less than 3 years of Linux experience at all, and had almost zero actual Linux admin experience, I only used it personally and as a hobby. But I fixed their issue in less than an hour, got their client's Xen hypervisor running which their entire ERP system ran on, all because I knew enough Linux basics to figure out what was going on.

Point is, people tend to become experts in what they use all the time. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Microsoft experts and admins are a dime-a-dozen where I live, but Linux/Unix admins, I rarely see a job posting that isn't offering 20-40k more for people with those skills.

At my current company, roughly 50% of folks could be switched over to Linux without any issue. Their jobs all require basic document editing, email, Teams, and web browsing. All tasks that desktop Linux can handle now with zero issues.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 3 days ago (5 children)

As an IT guy who has worked at a bunch of companies with exclusively Windows environments, Windows absolutely doesn't "just work."

I can't begin to list all the random problems I have with Windows in my day-to-day job.

Driver problems, hardware compatibility problems, software crashes, OS freezes, random configuration resets, networking issues, performance issues, boot issues, etc etc etc...

New hardware causes problems, old hardware causes problems.

Almost everything is harder to troubleshoot on Windows than Linux.

I have several test servers set up at my current workplace, they are old decommissioned desktops that are 10+ years old. I use them for messing around with Docker, Ansible, Tailscale, and random internal company resources like Bookstack and OpenProject.

All run Linux, all are a head and shoulders more stable and functional than the majority of much newer and more powerful Windows machines at our company.

Debian, Mint, CatchyOS, they all are far more dependable than most of the Windows machines. They install fast, on any hardware I use, decade+ old Quadro cards and Intel CPUs, doesn't matter, they all run nearly perfect. And the rare times I have an issue, it's so much faster to figure out and fix in Linux.

I switched over one of the computers in our department to Linux Mint. Threw it on a random laptop I had laying around. I did it just as an experiment, told the guy who was working on it to let me know if he had any issues using it. I planned on only having it out there for a week or two... It's been 4 months and he loves it.

He says it's super fast and easy to use, he doesn't have any problems with it. Uses Libre office for documents, Firefox for our cloud-based ERP system, Teams and Outlook as PWAs installed on Mint.

I use Ansible to push updates to it once a week, Timeshift in case something ever breaks. It's great. About a month ago I told him I would probably need to take it back because technically, it wasn't an official deployment and the experiment I was doing had long since passed. He put up such a fuss that I decided to just let it stay. I'll probably clone the drive, put it on his old tower, and take the laptop back, and let him keep using it indefinitely.

Linux absolutely isn't perfect, no technology is. But in my years of experience with both, Linux on the whole is far less finicky, and far easier to fix when it breaks.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 4 days ago (3 children)

well, that didn't last long lol

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Not sure if you already saw this answer, but if you zoom into the pictures, they both are the same bridge. The picture on the left at first looks like it has a concrete floor, but it's just a trick of the lighting.

The wooden planks are in the shade and it creates the illusion that they are the same color as the asphalt road that runs up to the actual bridge surface.

Once you zoom in, you can see all the individual wooden planks in the left photo.

I was confused too the first time I saw the picture.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago

Because, of control, power, and because many of the older generation seem the think that if they had to suffer in some specific way, then it's their duty to pass that same suffering on to the next generation.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Decomodify software. Refuse to respect copyright laws for software, or mandate that all software must be GPL or an equivalent restrictive license.

Make it so that all government software must be GPL, that would remove an enormous install base from corporate entities. Certain EU countries are already doing this.

If you are a public institution of any kind, you should not be using corporate, proprietary software, no exceptions.

Closed source software and hardware is largely what allowed massive corpos to take over the software and hardware scene, and it's what creates the incentive for silicon valley tech bros to create new technology solely in the hopes of being acquired for hundreds of millions, or even billions of dollars by some massive megacorp.

Corpos and private equity scumbags wouldn't be interested in acquiring these companies if they knew all the code and technology was under a GPL-like license, and anybody could take that tech, modify it, redistribute it, fork it, rebrand it, etc.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

In Minecraft of course...


Any Linux Sysadmins here use Timeshift on Linux servers in production environments?

Having reliable snapshots to roll back bad updates is really awesome, but I want to know if Timeshift is stable enough to use outside of a basic home lab environment.

Disclaimer: Yes I know Timeshift isn't a backup solution, I understand its purpose and scope.


A while back there was some debate about the Linux kernel dropping support for some very old GPUs. (I can't remember the exact models, but they were roughly from the late 90's)

It spurred a lot of discussion on how many years of hardware support is reasonable to expect.

I would like to hear y'alls views on this. What do you think is reasonable?

The fact that some people were mad that their 25 year old GPU wouldn't be officially supported by the latest Linux kernel seemed pretty silly to me. At that point, the machine is a vintage piece of tech history. Valuable in its own right, and very cool to keep alive, but I don't think it's unreasonable for the devs to drop it after two and a half decades.

I think for me, a 10 year minimum seems reasonable.

And obviously, much of this work is for little to no pay, so love and gratitude to all the devs that help keep this incredible community and ecosystem alive!

And don't forget to Pay for your free software!!!


I'm running a few Debian stable systems that are up to date on patches.

But I just ran ssh -V and the OpenSSH version listed is "OpenSSH_9.2p1 Debian-2+deb12u3" which as I understand is still vulnerable.

Am I missing something or am I good?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Heliboard 1.2 has just released. This version fixes a bug with certain Android devices not providing haptic feedback or audio feedback.

Thanks devs!

Heliboard V1.2

[Edited] Ironically my keyboard auto corrected its own name to "helipad." Embarrassing 😵‍💫


I'm visiting my parents for the holidays and convinced them to let me switch them to Linux.

They use their computer for the typical basic stuff; email, YouTube, Word, Facebook, and occasionally printing/scanning.

I promised my mom that everything would look the same and work the same. I used Linux Mint and customized the theme to look like Windows 10. I even replaced the Mint "Start" button with the Windows logo.

So far they like it and everything runs great. Plus it's snappier now that Windows isn't hogging all the system resources.


I'm confused about protecting backups from ransomware. Online, people say that backups are the most critical aspect to recovering from a ransomware attack.

But how do you protect the backups themselves from becoming encrypted too? Is it simply a matter of having totally unique and secure credentials for the backup medium?

Like, if I had a Synology NAS as a backup for my production environment's shared storage, VM backups, etc, hooked up to the network via gigabit, what stops ransomware malware from encrypting that Synology too?

Thanks in advance for the feedback!


Just making sure I'm not missing something obvious:

Self-hosted Linux VM with protonVPN and QBitorrent installed on it.

QBittorrent networking bound only to ProtonVPN's virtual interface with killswitch and secure core enabled.

Auto updates enabled and a scripted alert system if ProtonVPN dies. Obviously everything with very secure unique passwords.

Is this a safe setup to run 24/7 to torrent and seed with?

Are there any significant risks I'm missing? Thanks, fellow sea salts!

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