Well, seeing as it's written in German: Germany's and Austria's largest national minorities are Turks. Estimates are tough, but at least 3 million people (probably more like 5 million) in Germany have Turkish 'migrationshintergrund' and up to 500 000 people in Austria. Many have been there since the early 1960s, and, although it hasn't been all smooth sailing, Turkish culture and food has a significant place in both countries. So with that in mind I think this choice makes sense. Mexican food is lovely imo, but Germans don't have particular ties to the culture, people or food. (Not to mention the fact that whenever there's "Mexican" food in Europe broadly it's a watered-down version of tex-mex, which I do still like anyway)
I don't think any European would consider them "European" tbh, but we need allies and we have shared interests right now. And their food is great!
Virtually no one here likes Erdogan whatsoever, but our interests in relation to Ukraine and weakening USA/Russia aligns in this particular case. Turkey is a large country that actually borders the EU and has the largest non-European diaspora living here; keeping somwhat cood relations makes sense, even if I'd never want to see them join the Union and know we can never fully trust them.
As we lost our biggest ally, trading with another large country with a significant military makes perfect sense. Besides, Turkish food is actually great, especially compared to murican trash
Ahh haha, syntes nok navnet lød bekendt.. tror faktisk jeg bruger det nye udseende; jeg har i hvert fald ikke aktivt ændret på noget, men tjekker meget gerne det andet udseende dér ud!
Der var en gut der svarede på min kommentar på Reddit og havde "Feddit.dk" som sit tag.. udover havde jeg hørt om Lemmy allerede mens jeg har søgt alternativer til amerikanske produkter
Mht abonnenter så har jeg - godt nok som bosiddende i Sverige - haft virkelig stor glæde af SVT play, og mon ikke DR må have bare noget godt også. Men jeg er enig i der mangler alternativer.
Noget af det gode ved det her boycott for mig har dog været også bare at lave andre ting i stedet. Har altid sagt til mig selv, at jeg skal læse flere bøger og drikke mindre cola. Nu kan jeg vel nærmest give Trumpeten kredit for at have fået mig til at gøre det
I'm almost there! Gonna install a new OS on my phone in the weekend, then I'm completely murica free.
Next step: convincing and helping others
Edit: except my payment cards, although I try to use my phone whenever I can (which still uses SWIFT, I guess)