
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Haven't seen it, don't plan to, don't care to tbh.

But having talked to some people about it, this is my takeaway: "Messaging" is simply a new tool of marketing, especially "subversive" messaging. You're not buying a car - you're committing a revolutionary act of activism against climate change and fossil capitalism. You're not buying an ethically farmed, grass-fed, local steak, you're fighting animal cruelty and big farming lobbies with your consumption. You're not simply dressing up skandidly in pink to watch a multi-hundred million dollar Hollywood production of Barbie produced and approved of by its parent company, giving new legitimacy to that old rubber toy franchise and boosting sales numbers. You're totally subverting gender roles and criticizing capitalism by doing so.

Imo you're not. You're just buying a new car, munching another steak and going to the movies again promoting one of the most famous IPs of all time. It's the same thing we've done our entire lives. Changing the messaging around the act without changing the act, doesn't change the act. You're just doing the thing.

There can't be anything really subversive coming out of the hegemonic culture industry. By the very nature of its production, via the commodification it undergoes, it has already become toothless and assimilated. Neoliberal anti-capitalism is just the newest sales-pitch. It's along the lines of "diverse" CIA targeting officer recruitment ads. Just like capitalism can't produce true anti-war movies, it can't produce anti-capitalist or real anti-gender-role movies. It would be self-defeating if it did.

That being said, if you enjoy it more power to you. Nobody needs a grand narrative of subversion and messaging to go see and enjoy a movie at the theater. If you get something deeper out of it, even better.


Spicy question maybe, but I'm interested in your takes.

Personally, I think there's some major issues with at least the terminology of the 2 phase model of lower/higher stage communism or socialism/communism as the terms are used in classical theory. Specifically the 'lower stage' or 'socialism' term is problematic.

In the age of revision and after the success of counterrevolution it has become clear that there is in fact a transitional phase leading up to the classical transitional phase. Societies did not jump from developed capitalism to socialism immediately and even the states that arguably did were forced to roll back some of the core tenets of 'socialism' as it is described in Marx, Engels and Lenin. Namely no private ownership of the means of production and no exploitation of man by man.

To ultras this just means countries following this path aren't socialist. So then China isn't, Cuba isn't, no country still is really and those of us claiming they are then have to be revisionists. And to be fair, if you're dogmatic you can make that point going from the source material. China itself recognizes this inconsistency, thus not seeing itself at the stage of socialism. Yet it's a socialist state. But then what do we actually mean by 'socialism' when we use the term like this? Just a dictatorship of the proletariat? Any country in the process of building socialism?

That question comes up all the time and confuses the fuck out of people, because the term is either not applied consistently or as it's defined is lacking. I think discourse in the communist movement and about AES would profit immensely if we had a more consistent definition or usage of the term or a better defined concept of what that transition to socialism is and how we should call it.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I really wanted to openly show my support for my comrades here

Based. Welcome, comrade o7

Beware of the tankies though, they're literally everywhere

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Jesus Christ that top comment alone. This whole Ukraine business has changed people. Before I could watch mainstream news and read threads like that and some of it would irritate me, most of it I'd disagree with, but it was still tolerable. It was chauvinistic, often racist and ignorant, but often relatively bening. Since 24th Feb it's pure, unhinged racism, imperialism and stuff like this is bordering on ethno-nationalism.

Mainstream left and right seem to agree now that our free, social and prosperous European way of life is to be cherished.

Literal third way fascist rhetoric. Mainstream libs are getting scary man

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

Just the way they fucking talk. You all know what I mean, they all have these dorky ass, snarky, sarcastic, reeking of proud ignorance and arrogance phrases they rehash over and over again. I can't even put it into words, it just makes me viscerally angry. Like fuck conservatives and chuds too, but at least they don't talk like this...

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago (2 children)

BREAKING: China has announced the end to the following cooperation with the US

  1. Calls with leaders
  2. Defense meetings
  3. Maritime Security Consultation
  4. Climate Change Talks
  5. Anti-Drug cooperation
  6. Transnational crimes
  7. Illegal Immigration


[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

It's like he feels the need to counter anything seriously based he's saying with some hollow both-sideism to appear as the "balanced, rational one unlike the others".


Revisionism marching on

City's governed by a red-red-green coalition (SPD-Left-Greens) too

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Book: Walden. Was so hyped to read it, had massive expectations due to it's popularity and because it sounded awesome. Horrible book. I can't even really put my finger on it, but to me it was just trivial, boring, uninspired rambling and it made me unreasonably angry. One of the very few books I've consciously not finished.

TV show: Big Bang Theory. The most milquetoast normie shit dressed up as nerdy and quirky. It's not smart and the humor is atrocious. Bazoongy! xddddddddddd hahaha Shelbot did le random thing omg what a nerd, btw Batman xddddd Just hate everything about it. The fandom, the characters, everything.

Movie: Coldest Game. Just because I've seen it recently. Horrible pacing, horrible writing, horrible acting, horrible story. Absolute dogshit movie and on top of that it's one of the most unabashed anti-communist piles of garbage I've seen in quite a while. Polish resistence guy literally calls a couple of Soviet soldiers fascists. The whole 'dark ebil empire with the gray sky and grey buildings' aesthetic dialed up to the max. Most cartoonishly evil Soviet antagonists. Fuck it.

Also Transformers. Literal US military propaganda with some fancy boom boom, garbage actors and the most nonsensical stories ever. Fucking sentient car robots from outer space...