Why does it bother you? I like the movies.
It does not have to matter, but can still be cool. I also don't know if this sentence makes sense.
Wieso nicht bereits bei 420?
Yes and I love to do it again after every major update ..... not
I'm also using openSUSE for about a year now. I came frome Ubuntu -> Manjaro -> Fedora -> openSUSE I love it so far.
Good idea In what do you wrap them? Aluminium foil? Or caj I put them in freezer bags?
It would be nice if they partnered with fairphone.
Du fühlst dich nicht nur extrem "unterinformiert" Schau dir mal das an: https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/109846-000-A/zwangsarbeit-sos-aus-china/
Yeah but boox is full of chinese spyware. But you can root it and block some things with netguard.
Lol nobody knows the deezload2bot on telegram. You can paste spotify playlist links and download a zip or all songs in mp3
Im lokalen Park einfach mal der Nase nach.
They only compared vehicles of the same age.