The Dreamcast is hiding and judging...
Fish, without a doubt.
Thanks for the explanation, I understand now your point of view. It sums up on which layer we consider then. BTW qubes is a fantastic OS if you want isolation of information or privacy. One VM could serve for work, another for browsing, and eventually for privacy. Take care !
Honnest question: why is it Linux? I can't find relevant information on the matter. Every source point the fact that it's a bare metal hypervisor therefore not Linux but that's all. Could you enlighten me on the matter? Thanks in advance.
Back to the basics. Et merci pour le retour, je vais garder mon clavier moisi dans ce cas. Aussi, pas mal un thinkpad pour 25 balles. Next challenge: no mouse, only red clit-mouse 360 no scope :) Godspeed, prends soin de toi.
Potable le clavier Listo ? Courage pour Gentoo et jolies jambes btw :3
I can see it now... Precious thing, I'm jealous. It was one of my teen dreams. Did the Saturn optical drive works? Nice setup and legs BTW :3