
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Exactly the reason I got a second hand iPhone coming from Android. All my androids would suddenly get a stroke after three years at best. My old boss would hold a funeral for his 10 year old iPhone which worked great but shattered after a bad drop.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Oh yes, I’m completely aware. I’m a pharmacist with allergies. I always try to talk my patients out of first-gen antihistamines. Bilastine is my go to these days for myself. Zyrtec and generics as OTCs.

[–] [email protected] 37 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Eh one every now and then is fine, I take it for motion sickness when going on long car rides. Half a pill is enough. Then again, taking enough to get nightshade-like poisoning is really not recommended.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (13 children)

It’s generally legal and heavily subsidised. See also animal agriculture.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (2 children)

After quitting my meds last year I got progressively worse due to work stress. Two months ago I almost threw them out but decided to give them another go. I was put on a low dose and improved so much, I didn’t need to add/increase anything. Now I just quit my old job and found an objectively better one in the same field and location. One week in so far and I’m loving it! Stress - gone!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Bulgaria: No need to sign anything, it’s already done. Everyone has the equal right to marry the opposite sex, and nobody can change (de facto) their legal gender. Everyone is already accepting of the LGBT people, as long as they don’t show it publicly.

Jokes aside, outside of Sofia the public opinion is that there are matters much more important than that. Homophobia is also widespread so it’s a political suicide to ratify something like this. The Istanbul convention was a huge “scandal” for just mentioning that it applies to trans women as well. There was a huge disinformation campaign and it worked. We ratified it anyways because it was integrated into an EU directive so yay?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You get used to it. You just write the sound, sh, j, ya(often weitten as q), ch, yu. ь we barely use unless when you write what you would spell as ë in Russian, we don’t use that letter at all! We use a lot of ъ (sounds like uuhh). It’s usually spelled as y or a.

It’s usually more annoying to switch keyboards all the time, but typing in Latin script feels wrong and I feel like it changes my “written voice”.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

Country standards from the typewriter era. In Bulgaria we have a different layout from the Russian one, using the same Cyrillic letters (stuff like э and ы that we don’t use) but most people use the “phonetic” keyboard which is the one you describe. Also in casual conversations a lot of people don’t even bother to use Cyrillic and go with latin instead even if it’s not official or standardised in any way.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago

But you can get progressively worse dementia faster from these meds if the other side effects don’t get you. And the meds to counteract the other side effects they give you. Fun stuff the anticholinergic effects.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago

I second this. Either ddg has come a long way with sesrch results or Google enshittified theirs to oblivion. Maybe it's both. I only use Google search for really obscure stuff that ddg has a hard time fetching. And more often than not Google fails as well.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 months ago (3 children)

How do you even curate a fb feed. When I tried that I got an algorithm that shoved "recommended" posts down my throat that got worse the further down I scrolled. Not to mention looking for posts older than a day is a pain because they're not chronological. AND the cherry on top is when you finally reach the place where that post might be and the page just decides to reload. Awful, awful user experience.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago

Few places have secure DMs.


This happened on all android devices I've owned. Once they turn about 3 years old, they start slowing down out of a sudden. Yes, software gets heavier, you need more processing power, etc. But it happens out of a sudden.

I dug out an old lebovo tablet, about 6 years old. It ran surprisingly quickly. As soon as I turned the WiFi on to install the app I needed, things slowed down to the point where the device was barely usable. I somehow installed it. The app didn't require internet access so it was fine. Battery life was still amazing, about 5 days of casual use (internet access drains a lot of battery on this fella).

I thought it was a one time thing. Until I was handed another old Alcatel tablet that was ditched due to slowdown after 3 years. Same thing, no internet access leads to a snappy phone. Once you turn the WiFi on, boom slowdown.

I see the same thing happening to my Nokia 3.4 phone (now HMD Global, made in China). I don't think the architecture allows for swapping the os to a degoogled one everyone is raving about. The reparibility of this phone is near zero so once it goes bust, it's really hard to open it as well. I obviously don't need a brick with no internet access (otherwise I would just carry a dumb phone).

Also once this buddy dies or becomes unusable, is there a brand you would recommend. I'm so done with Nokia and Samsung.


To preface, this post isn't a bash on gaming. I've been gaming since I was 3 years old on the NES. It was (and still is) a part of my life. That said, while I turned out ok in the end, I would play games every free moment I had. I've spent thousands of hours in World of Warcraft during the TBC-WotLK era. My pattern would be school-home-eat while playing wow-sleep thinking of wow-repeat. My whole social circle formed around WoW and LoL/dota2 later. I would often listen to music while playing. Of course, we grew up and we became distant over time. I more or less ended up with barely any friends.

I don't play games much nowadays because it's simply better for my own mental health. I still play but with a lot more moderation - occasionally booting my PS2 or playing a run or two of Binding of Isaac. Most of my free time goes towards creative hobbies.

15 years later, whenever I hear music from that time, I get jittery and think about the fun I had in wow. I've fallen into that trap. Private servers galore, I used to play in them back then too, they've gotten even better since then. I start playing, ditch all my other hobbies, go out only for work, and in the end not have fun at all, and spiral into depression. The itch barely gets scratched. This cycle has been repeating over and over. I don't want it to happen again and I just got the jitters again.

I don't want to stop listening to music I like just because monkey brain associates it with WoW.

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