If the police lose, you really lose
It’s not at all weird and very easy to explain. The BBC positions itself as an impartial reporter. Anything that appears to be a judgement call by someone else is (quite rightly) put into quotes.
In this case, I would have simply left out the words “innocent victim “ myself, as it’s a bit odd - but that is the rationale.
If your organisation is big enough to have a press office of more than 4 or 5 people, you will usually have an on-call rota.
Let’s go clubbing
Certainly, if you on an ‘agile’ tariff in the UK it can be a lot cheaper. There were times a few month ago when it was particularly windy - they were paying me to use electricity/charge my solar batteries from the grid.
I wonder how many manufacturers can currently manage that.
However, the upside is that there are no bots, dark patterns, or manipulated feeds.
There’s a huge amount of incoming spam, much of it, I suspect posted by bots. I’ve also seen account posting ‘news’ from sites that are clearly AI generated
To be honest, it feels much more likely to see posts on the Fediverse with many upvotes, few or no comments
It can work where there is real competition. For natural monopolies, not so much.
Usually it happens because the state wants to sell off family silver to make some short term cash :(
So, if I gave you some volunteering contacts as links, would you commit to starting next month for me? Or would it take a threat of fines/court action?
Would you be up for being compelled to give up a day a month to do good works? Not volunteering, mind, compelled.
Pretty sure AP is funded by newspapers