Great job! Your first real project is a huge accomplishment :D
Can I suggest an alternate as you work up to this? The Klaziena Shawl is a free, beautiful pattern that looks far more complex than it actually is:
There are really only three stitches to worry about (chain, single crochet, double crochet), the pattern is extremely clear, and it has both written instructions and a chart. This could give you great practice reading charts as well as with general shawl construction. (I've made it four or five times now!)
The other major advantage of credit cards is consumer protection. Generally speaking you can't file a dispute or do a charge back on a debit transaction -- or at least it's very difficult and time-consuming. Credit cards offer a certain amount of peace-of-mind when it comes to things like fraudulent transactions.
She said another problem the company ran into in recent years was that its stores’ hours didn’t always align with that of the malls where they are located.
That's the case where I live: the mall opens at 10, but the Bay doesn't open until 11.
I've also found it hard to identify their target audience. With women's clothes, for example, they have a ton of stuff that says "hi, I'm 21" and a ton of stuff that says "hi, I'm 75" and... not really a lot in between. It's pretty confusing.
I started consciously trying to read more old books in the last year or two and I've discovered that I love adventure stories! Jules Verne, Sir Walter Scott's Waverly novels... Winston Churchill's "My Early Life" is nonfiction that might as well be an adventure story, haha.
For humour it's hard to go wrong with P G Wodehouse; he wrote much more than just the Jeeves stories.
Recently I read through all of Lucy Maud Montgomery's collected short stories (the author of Anne of Green Gables among many others).
Dracula was a great read and genuinely spooky, ditto Henry James's The Turn of the Screw.
Sometimes I go to Project Gutenberg, hit "random" and download anything that catches my eye :)