
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Lol imagine not being able to picture things in your head. Oh wait...


My coworker recently told me he moonlights doing an online job while working our normal job. I asked him what he does and he said that it's hard to explain but there's a powerpoint that explains when i get hired. He said it's all legal and we get paid $10 an hour and pay goes out every week. He showed me he's made an extra $250 this week on an excel spreadsheet. I think it sounds like a great opportunity/s

Anyway what flavor of scam do you think this guy is part of? I'm thinking mlm because he's trying to bring others into the fold, but I heard him tell someone else theres a fee to join, and that screams pyramid scheme.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I swear to god I'll buy sync premium if they give the ability to sort by controversial. This is the stupidest more redditesque thread I've run into and i don't want to miss anymore.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I'd love to have a leveraction in 45-70. My favorite gun i own is a semi auto 30-06. Tons of fun


So my relatively new s&w m&p15 won't cycle the action when shooting. The hammer will reset but the bolt wont move at all. This happens with several different ammos, both winchester 223 and winchester/ federal 556.

First thing i did was clean and oil it. No difference.

Then I checked the bolt seals and they are in good shape. When standing the bolt up on it's extractor side it doesn't move, but will with light pressure.

I figured something must be wrong with the gas tube so I blew some carb cleaner through the gas port in the action (the nipple that interfaces with the gas key on the bolt). I expected it to be blocked but the cc ran out the barrel unobstructed.

I covered the gas port (in picture) with a piece of masking tape when shooting and gas came out enough to discolor the tape but not blow a hole in it. I know that's not super scientific but nothing wrong with more info.

I honestly can't think of anything it might be. Any info helps, thanks


To my knowledge there's no stagnant water on my property, I've run water through all my ptraps, and I'm careful to not leave doors open. Yet at any given time there's at least 3 in my house. I can't sleep, i can't sit on the couch, i can't exist in the fear of being sucked dry.

The breaking point is when i watched my dog get bit on her head. I'm ready to do whatever it takes and then some. I will kill a man if it saves me from these demons. Any ideas?