Właśnie widzę że się nic śmiesznego nie odjebało, tylko złapali paru ziomków co to poszukiwani byli
A właśnie, jak tam marsz w Warszawie pod władzą uśmiechniętej koalicji?
Trump winning by a landslide and European libs now waking up and realizing that, maybe, outsourcing your military security and economy to the US is not exactly the wisest of things
That's why I love my Framework laptop, I can have my speedy ports wherever I want
Everytime I see a newfie I've got an urge to hug that dog very tightly, just sink my hands into all that floof
Reducing commute for office workers makes commute easier for the blue collar workers
Do a total renovation of my flat
Check out the post history, this person is a Richard Stallman defender
Because of the tone he used when making his announcement and the white nationalist references to the Finno-Russian historical squabbles
iOS design language in an Android app creeps me out tbh
tl;dr: anyone who disagrees is a russian troll or a useful idiot, according to the linux man
A private railway company, an ex-subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn