We used that size to share, sad times indeed.
so it is! and I tested it, of course, with alt-sys-b which instantly rebooted my machine. nice.
or even more directly: it would require the people CURRENTLY in power to sign a law that takes away THEIR power -
never going to happen. And my comment is generic enough for even "both sides" types
hmm... maybe I should stop feeding it to my children
ok... I'll ask.. where the heck is the "sysreq" key on my standard keyboard?
create a situation where that happens.
including the whole 2nd-term part, right?
Third pic:
"It's not moving, should it be moving? "
Or, "ok so who's going to put that in my mouth?"
Or, "what are these for?"
I switched my kids' PCs to Pop!_OS and other than "icons moving" yeah they didn't notice.
Especially when they mostly use Firefox and Steam, and those are exactly the same.
Not to be that guy but I cold-turkey switched daily driver and I cannot believe I didn't do it earlier. Total amateur "copy-paster" and the only thing I sometimes can't get working are pirated games. Steam changed everything for gaming.
yeah that part confused me too. is a supplier an owner too?
I get told to go away, or worse, whenever I approach sunbathing women.
"Leave me alone!"
"Stop taking pictures!"
People are just so rude these days.
Don't try it! You'll regret it.