
joined 1 year ago

Sorry in advance for the depressing thread, but I don't have anyone in my life with trans experiences and I need advice on what I'm feeling.

As much as we might wish we could waking up one morning with the body of a gorgeous k-pop idol or something, the fact is reality doesn't work that way. And this kind of thing is what I'm struggling with the most, the fact that I'm always going to struggle with body hair and masculine features.

I was on HRT for one month, and still have the relevant medications in my bathroom, but stopped. Partially due to lack of support, but mostly due to self-doubt and lack of confidence that I'll ever be happy with how I look. I just couldn't see the woman inside coming out.

I kept asking myself: what would be worse? Constantly wishing I could successfully transition, or transitioning and having to live with never being able to pass? This became additionally concerning with the uptick in abuse against trans people.

Part of me feels guilty for stopping and falling back on the safe suffering I already know, and a part of me feels guilty for giving up, part of me is scared of all the new things I'll have to learn if I re-start, and another part of me is concerned about how my partner would feel if I started again, I know she doesn't approve but doesn't want to say so.

For those of you who are/were larger, or taller, or older, or more hairy, how did you manage these concerns? For those of you without resources in your life to aid your transition, how did you get support?

Thank you for reading.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

RedHat, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu.

All are good choices.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

Gives real "A QA walks in to a bar and order -26 beers" vibe

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Firstly I'd like to mention The Lost Fleet series by John G Hemry. It's military sci-fi, as a part of the plot it discusses two forms of FTL travel, jump drives allowing you to FTL between adjoining stars, and the later invention of hypernet gates allowing direct travel from one star to another. It talks extensively about how certain star systems fared after hypernet gates made it unnecessary to travel through them to reach higher value systems.

Some star systems were only inhabited as a means of supporting various cargo haulers, transporters, and warships that must pass through those stars. As pass-through travel waned we saw declining economies, civilians abandoned as extraction costs would have affected profit margins, increased societal unrest and rebellion as a result of being cut off from the central authority, and various other legal and illegal activities.

It illustrated how truly huge space is, and how difficult communication, transportation, and protection could be out among the stars.

I'd also like to provide an honorable mention to Malazan - Book of the Fallen, even though it's high fantasy.

This is because it not only goes in to significant detail regarding the magic system used, but also talks several times about the societal stagnation that comes about as a result of reliance on magic, and the reduced need to invent, discover, and innovate. The lack of science, and the implications of that, being the point here.