
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

It has a pretty severe memory leak issue during the period where Chrome siphoned off most of its users.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah, because the shitheads lied about the job.

"Oh, yeah, you have to go to remote sites, but the average is only about a 20 minute commute."

And then once they gave me the job, they assigned me nothing but clients that were all 60+ minutes out of town. I interviewed with other companies on the clock and then quit with no notice.

Fucking assholes.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

It's easy.

You don't pay for your games in cash. You pay for your games by being an attack node in a hire4pay DDOS botswarm.

The wonders of living in the future.


Aeschylus-stan-account: I hate it when I'm trying to look up a good golem recipe and the rabbi prefaces it with ten paragraphs about his life in 17th-century Prague. Like, I feel for you, Maharal, but there anti-semites going unsuplexed while I'm searching for the ingredient list


Monsterlets: "words of power do exist... i can walk out of my apartment wearing the most fuck shit, e.g. swim trunks as shorts w a zipped up hoodie and no shirt underneath, and just say the words laundry day and suddenly it's way less weird

Monsterlets: " laundry day spell: decrease target's judgement of outfit by 80%

homemademonsterpants: "I picke dup a banana print shirt in Vietnam - were talking loud - and the first time someone commented on it I said "It's banana shirt friday" which stunlocked them and blocked any followup questions.

Turns out that saying "it's banana shirt friday" enough actually created a holiday at my officer where everyone would wear fruit print clothes on fridays! So yes, words power exist. :)