Not a terrible film but overhyped I feel.
The goat is incredible though, right?
Great film.
You ever read the book?
We should remove the Ev stuff atleast. Fuck elon musk.
I feel the same way. Anything with Samara really but I really enjoyed the orignal.
It sure is a mean word you can toss around to insult those that know history and feel differently then you. 😎
Don't hurt your arm! A google search will prove you wrong. By the way I know you guys like hurling words incorrectly to make people feel bad but palastine isn't a race.
Wait are you saying it wasn't palastine Canadians harassing people in malls and Jewish hospitals? It's not me disliking them by stating historical facts. Everywhere that took in large amounts suffered. End fact.
We could have just taken them in.
Or not. Look what happened to Egypt or Lebanon, What a half baked idea. Look at the amount of harassment Jews in Canada had to deal with.
That's such a good movie too. My favorite zombie comedy will always be return of the living dead though.
I really enjoyed it.