It's weird but I actually don't consider people fulfilling normal everyday professions as heroes. It may be because I played heroes of might and magic 3 as a kid and my concept of 'hero' has connotations of someone being extraordinary.
I mean, don't get me wrong, since those kids are apparently destined to be workers according to james, idolizing normal jobs is ummm ok. But it's sort of like taking kids who specifically want to be extroardinary and telling them "no. u will be a brick in the wall."
When I think hero i think Guru Aurobindo, Feynman, Mai Bhago, StBridgid, Barry the Dog, neem karoli baba, ben franklin, selassie, carl sagan, etc etc etc.
So haha BUT when a kid wants to be extraordinary and above the norm, the correct answer is to empower them upward to reach what heights they can; not pull them down.