A casual community for people with ADHD
Acceptance, Openness, Understanding, Equality, Reciprocity.
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- No racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism, or ageism.
- Respectful venting, including dealing with oppressive neurotypical culture, is okay.
- Discussing other neurological problems like autism, anxiety, ptsd, and brain injury are allowed.
- Discussions regarding medication are allowed as long as you are describing your own situation and not telling others what to do (only qualified medical practitioners can prescribe medication).
- Funny memes.
- Welcoming and accepting attitudes.
- Questions on confusing situations.
- Seeking and sharing support.
- Engagement in our values.
Relevant Lemmy communities: will happily promote other ND communities as long as said communities demonstrate that they share our values.
Everyone is an amateur psychologist now
I think a fair number of self-proclaimed "neurodivergent" folks just like it because: a) They think it's a free pass to be an asshole b) They think it indicates some sort of superpower with no downsides and that they are superior to "normal" people.
Knowing some clearly sincerely neurodivergent people I tend to be highly skeptical when people assert that status in an interaction where I wouldn't otherwise be able to tell.
Masking exists you know. Just because you can hide it doesn't mean there isn't more under the surface. This is more of a Autism thing but I think some ADHD people also mask.
You're right, but also there are still a ton of people that pretend or think they have some type of mental condition when in actuality they don't.
I have diagnosed OCD (by a medical professional) and I've only ever told about two friends in my entire life because the millions of gross people around the world that say they have OCD for the most normal fucking things that everyone In the world can relate to.
Somebody saying they have OCD is so fucking cringe to me now because of these morons that I'm scared to tell anyone even if I'm close to them.
So, for some honesty, I feel like there's been a culture of folks treating "neurotypical" almost like a slur, like "neurodivergent" means better and thus folks thinking they need a diagnosis.
I know someone that self-diagnosed as autistic and was very excited to "finally make it formal" and shopped for a therapist that was qualified to diagnose and had even diagnosed a friend of theirs as on the spectrum. They were so pissed when after a couple of months of sessions the therapist continued to decline to issue a diagnosis. They couldn't just be normal. I think most people I've heard personally declare themselves to be neurodivergent to be roughly in this camp.
I think popular internet culture is teaching people that a normal person has zero struggles with things like getting out of bed in the morning or being on time, and that if you have any whiff of not liking to do some unpleasant part of daily life then you are neurodivergent. It also tends to teach that neurodivergent people are smarter. I think this serves to dilute the reality of those with more serious issues. Similar to how a flood of "service animals" has diminished the experience of those with sincere need for them.
It isn't possible to fake being ND. Faking it would require someone to mask like a ND person does which doesn't seem likely. Any therapist who still is going off of dated information and stigmas should lose there ability to practice.
The point of that story was that someone I knew that saw an actual therapist still said they were ND and denied the therapist's opinion that they were NT. They had a friend that did receive a diagnosis from that same therapist and based on my interactions with that friend, I could definitely understand. They went shopping for what they thought was an easy diagnosis and failed to get one, but declared the therapy just isn't good and they were done with therapy and they will continue to declare themselves to be ND anyway, because they know they are.
I strongly suspect a lot of self proclaimed ND folks are declaring so without any diagnosis or even against a professional opnion to the contrary. There's too much romanticism of it and of course it causes some people to gravitate towards it. The end result being a dilution of societal accomodations toward ND born out of skepticism of some generally obnoxious folks.
I'm ADHD and probably on the spectrum. Most of my friends are some level of both too.
There are still assholes who are also neurodivergent. I've met some. I avoid them. I will generally get along with other neurospicy people, especially if their combination is closer to my own, but an asshole is still an asshole.
Reminds me of once when a friend told me a story how someone watched his dick when he was peeing. When he got angry someone calmed him by sayong "Don't worry, he is just gay."
Yeah, why does this make sexual harasment any better?
Elon Musk.
Hell in the UK we had the (ex?) host of MasterChef, Greg Wallace, accused of being inappropriate with women in the workplace and making them feel unsafe and uncomfortable around him - Nothing illegal (that I know of), sure, but enough that he was rightfully dropped from whatever broadcaster was employing him.
Cut to a week into the tabloid media meltdown, Greg claims he "thinks he's on the spectrum" as an explanation for his sexually explicit and creepy behaviour around women. The usual shit where you're neuro typical until you're a prick then you're actually an autistic smol bean uWu.
When that didn't help, he then showed his true colours by claiming the "typical" kind of woman (I'm assuming he's referring to the trope of "ugly" women complaining about sexual harassment) making the complaints that got him fired.
I think it depends. My son is deep on the spectrum. He's pretty pleasant, and he can tell if he's making someone upset or angry, but often has no idea why.
I could absolutely see him being rude or making someone uncomfortable without knowing it, and in many cases I think it would be a challenge to help him even comprehend how or why he was doing so, even if he could tell it was happening.
One of the things that makes me feel the worst for him is when he can tell he's not handling a situation "correctly" but has no idea why. It really upsets him.
So yeah, I cut people who I think might be ND some slack.
Your kid doesn’t sound like an asshole, so IMO all good.
When they ramble on about something you don't care about or actively don't want to discuss, say "Hey I don't like this conversation, can we talk about something else?"
Yellow: "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
Red: "What? Why don't you wanna talk about this, is it because you secretly hate me or are hiding something? Now I know we need to talk about it until I'm convinced you're hearing what I have to say on this topic."
When I realize I'm dominating a conversation I will try to give other people space to talk and also let them know they can tell me to shut up. I won't take it too personally.
When they ramble on about something you don't care about...
Or, hear me out, you could listen to them infodump because it will make them happy?
Also You will always be a bad person in someone’s eyes, it’s unavoidable. Trick is to make this number small enough to still be accepted in social groups so you can attain the holy triad of Family, House, Health.
In other words - Get rid of witnesses
Easier to not be a shithead but u do u
Nah, getting rid of witnesses sounds easier
the point is there is always someone who will call you a shithead. It’s unavoidable fact of life
Neurodivergent people: Trying their best to fit into society
You: Fuck those assholes.
As someone who is neurodivergent and operates at an engineering level, when I'm under pressure I can sometimes be an asshole unintentionally. I try my best to recognize when I do this and apologize when I can. It's not something I can help. It's impulsive which means it's hard to control.
Here you are telling everyone that I am not deserving of compassion or understanding and should be written off as an asshole.
Do you know what it's like being neurodivergent? How people treat you when they find out? I now have to be on my best behavior at all times or I could get labeled an asshole and therefore deserve nothing according to you.
Sometimes mental illness is like having a stab wound in your gut and you have to act like everything is fine. It's not always possible in all situations.
To say this post lacks awareness is an understatement.
Everyone is trying their best, even neurotypicals.
Doesn't give you a free pass.
Neurodivergence is not metal illness. You can not "cure" what is not broken. Trying to do so is what causes serious childhood trama. Neurodivergence is tied to communication differences and a differences in how the brain works.
For more information look up the double empathy problem.
Man I got NPD and even I would find it weird for people to like me just because they know I have NPD like you don't gonna deal with the shit, if they can't help being assholes then step it up
Sorry but I don't understand what you are saying with your first point. Is your second point literally "you need to step up your mental illness game?"
I'm direct and highly value honesty, but I've learned that's no excuse for lacking tact. Being a minimal degree of kind and polite to neurotypical people isn't particularly difficult, it's just learning to interface with someone whose emotional drivers you may not completely share. It's easier than learning to interface with a nonverbal species like a cat or a parrot.
This drives me bananas.
On the one hand as someone with ASD, yeah, I would have loved to have a little more understanding growing up but on the other you do not get a free pass just because you are some flavor of "special". Everyone is special. Everyone is a weird combination of neurotypcial and neurodivergent it's just a matter of degree and how it's all put together. When you say someone is neurotypical... how do you even know?
When you say that something is not your fault because you are neurodivergent did you even try to find a work-around? Did you try to find away to make the other person more comfortable? Did you try to exercise the understanding you demand of others? Or did you just say you don't have to?
I hate that some people call ASD a disability. Sure it might be disabling at time but you shouldn't use that as an excuse not to work hard and be successful. There is no reason that I need to walk around telling people I'm disabled. I realize some have it much harder than others but I think we all should work hard to try to be better especially since unemployment is so high.
I hate that some people call ASD a disability.
Different people have different challenges. For me ASD is both very challenging at times but also a superpower.
since unemployment is so high.
It's not though. Currently 4.2% which is on the low end of historical averages and what is considered "normal". Not to discount your point but just to counter the ongoing narrative - largely false - about the current economy.