Internet as an art
Rule 1: All post titles except for meta posts should be just plain "hmmm" and nothing else, no emotes, no capitalisation, no extending it to "hmmmm" etc.
I will introduce more rules later and when I finish doing that I will make an announcement post about that.
For overall temporary guide check out the rules here:
I won't be moving all of them here but I will keep most of them.
His poor toes.
If you haven't noticed the duck tape, look again for the duck tape.
Oh. Yeah. That's... Not going to hold.
this realization took it on a whole new level
Even worse, it's electrical tape.
is he inside the tv?
we can also see his shirt through the air vents
Pretty sure that's just dust buildup
As long as drywall anchors were used, it shouldn't be an issue.
Look closer at the telly
I really, really didn't think I needed a sarcasm tag here.
Drywall anchors? That's got to be a solid stone wall. I don't think you can use drywall anchors.
Well you could drill out large holes and fill with spackle, then insert the drywall anchors into those areas.
Yeah should work just fine
There’s anchors you can use in concrete. They’re similar.
That you can screw in without drilling a pilot hole like with some drywall anchors?
No you would need to put a pilot hole in with concrete anchors
I'm sorry, I've clearly become too jaded
Please, don't ever use the sarcasm tag, it's the internet equivalent of explaining the joke
I use different ways to mark sarcasm, as i don't like SpElLiNg It OuT. I get some fun responses and people show their true colours
It helps those of us who struggle with things like sarcasm
As long as drywall anchors were used [to mount a CRT TV to a wall with electrical tape], it shouldn't be an issue.
I'm on the spectrum and I don't know how anyone could actually read, understand, but then still interpret this comment as anything but unambiguous sarcasm unless they don't know the first thing about basic home maintenance. As much as I appreciate it sometimes when something is unclear to me, for others, the /s takes something of value away from a joke when the intention was clear.
I like sarcasm tags.
Imho you lose a lot of cues by going from speaking to writing.
The poor VESA mount, she wasn't built for this!
what a stud
I want to see the video
It's a bold move, Cotton
Well, that walls coming down
yep, duck tape will not break!
If only he had used that and not electrical tape.