He's also the piece of shit behind Jeepers Creepers which is why despite them being okay horror movies nobody brings them up anymore
Creepy Wikipedia
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Well, shit, I never heard of any of this. Was literally going to watch Jeepers Creepers tonight, but fuck that.
Were you going to watch keepers creepers before you read this? Or had to been reminded of the movie by the post and decided to watch it until you realized how bad the situation was?
You did... read what they wrote, right?
I mean, they easily could’ve read keepers creepers on the list, and thought “I used to love that movie, I need to watch it” until hearing more. Did you…read what I wrote?
Spell it right dummy you're not helping your case. That's twice now.
Lol spellcheck tends to do the same thing to made-up words. What a stupid reason to be a dick
Your spelling and reading comprehension issues appear to be intertwined.
You jumped into a conversation between two people to be a dick over a misunderstanding. My reading comprehension and the fact that spell check doesn’t recognize the word “jeepers” are not the issues that need discussing.
Find something better to do with your life. Also, just stop being a dick. It’s entirely unwarranted. All you’re doing is making the world a little shittier for other people so…you can feel superior? Yeah, I just double checked. That makes you a dick.
So…stop being a dick.
You still here? Shut the fuck up already.
You should try to find out what’s making you so angry. Because it sure wasn’t me having a misunderstanding with someone that wasn’t you. This isn’t healthy behavior.