She was a dancer. How she manged that at that weight is insane. I hope she's doing well and is able to recover in some capacity.
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That poor girl.
And those shithead parents. What were they doing it for? Tying to make a tiny ballerina?
They also engaged in infantilising behaviour. fuckheeads shoulda bought a doll
I wouldn't be surprised, after reading all about the situation, if the girl was also being sexually groomed, and this was all an elaborate act to keep her looking a certain way.
Wouldn't surprise me, the things that people are willing to do for ballet is ridiculous, and it takes a pretty big toll on your body.
The more you read the weirder it gets. It’s like they’re trying to keep her as a child and starving her I guess is part of that since it stunts growth? These people are beyond crazy, they’re “gunna be a Youtube video one day” kinda nuts.
17 years old, under 50lbs?
It's fucked up they let the parents keep the kid till they killed her.
They didn't. The kid is fine.
This case is interesting, as the kid was off the radar. She was homeschooled, and part of the reason it's newsworthy is that the dance instructors didn't really have a channel to report their concerns to Child Protection like a teacher would.
The case is still unfolding, as the parents are still in court and more details are released.
Fine is a stretch, malnutrition and her lack of education will harm her for the rest of her life.
While I agree with you, she's in far better shape now than she has been for years. During a 50-day stay in hospital, she gained 7kg and grew 3.4cm. One presumes that recovery is continuing.
She certainly is not dead.