I went to that site and downloaded something. It opened in Firefox, and shows in my downloads. From downloads I was able to open it with Librera. There was also a 'download completed' notification. All working as expected.
A community for discussion about Mozilla Firefox.
I now know that it's a Heisenbug:
Some tabs in my still-running browser-instance fake downloading stuff:
if I try downloading the same file multiple-times, instead of showing the
( the "(1)" part that FF applies, to prevent a filename-collision )
doesn't appear in those tabs, as it isn't really saving the file in Downloads,
but does appear when doing the same download in other tabs, tabs which are saving the files in Downloads.
This means that something in the tab-instance code is being obliterated/broken, somehow,
and it isn't affecting all tabs.
Obviously a coder familiar with the codebase would possibly be able to use that, as leverage, to dig-in & get the bug.
The fact that the FF "Downloads" list isn't being updated properly also is a clue ( the whole subsystem seems to be corrupted-code? )
I don't consider there to be any point in anybody bothering with this discussion, anymore, however,
since it seems to require some ??whatever??, to activate the bug, and if it isn't guaranteed to be always-appearing, then .. what proof is there that it's real, to anyone else?
Why is it that it's happening in some tabs, some of the time??
Why is it happening at all?
Since people just randomly trying to replicate the bug, & NOT seeing evidence, "proves" it isn't real,
therefore .. everybody should just not bother considering it.
Why waste effort.
I've been forced to switch to Brave to get reliable-downloads, & I hate Brave.
Cheers, people.
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I can't follow your train of thought completely, but downloaded PDFs show in the download folder for me on Firefox mobile. What version do you have?
As I said, 131.
Also, I didn't remember to mention, that FF isn't putting entries in the Downloads listing it keeps,
either for the .pdf's successfully-downloaded, OR for the ones it hides.
Oh, another point..
It seems that some tabs ( not on the same site: haven't tested that, yet ) still download files, but other tabs only fake it..
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