I just spam all the buttons, one of them usually mutes it
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Where the living fuck do petrol pumps have video ads? That's crazy
Pumps at Westfalen stations in Germany promote their own payment app, and sometimes snacks in their stores. But no audio, and only adds in pics on the screens.
Yeah I've seen those types of ads, although only as a sticker or poster by the pump
Seems like companies these days would force ads into our dreams if they could
Shouldnt suprise you but…US. (Possibly other countries) Years ago they started adding video screens to display certain things, so as natural progression goes….there’s a screen so there will be ads. Loud-as-shit video ads that play as soon as you start pumping. And when no one is at the pumps they cycle silent ad slideshows.
You can mute the ads by pressing one of the buttons on the side of the screen
Damn, audio especially sounds irritating. It seems we can't escape ads these days...
I've seen a few pumps with ads, but only in the form of a sticker or laminated poster advertising premium fuel or some random tat they're selling in the garage shop.
never seen it in my home state but driving through some godforsaken Nebraska you see the worst things you can imagine
Find the mute button - usually the second button down on the right - then mark it clearly with a sharpie for the next person.
Unfortunately there are some pump models that don't have a mute button now and the best you can do is retreat to the car and wait it out.
I can think of much better things to do, like keeping a flathead screwdriver handy for stabbing speakers (in Minecraft)
You are performing a public service.