After you've done some languages, they all look the same. Yes, some have interesting features like the indent-based blocking of Python, and I'll have to look up if the new language has "else if", "elsif", "elif", or whatever, but als long as it is coming from the family of ALGOL-like languages, it does not matter much. You'll learn the basic functions needed to get around, and off you go.
Just a few weeks ago, I started learning Python. Yes, this indenting takes some time to get used to. My son does Python for about a year now - he started with it at university. Maybe ten days after I started learning, I invited him to have a look at my first Python program. I have no idea what he expected. A "Hello, World" with a few extra features, maybe? Definitely not the 2.5k lines app I had written in my spare time, with GUI, databases, harvesting data from a web site with caching, and creating PDF files with optimized layout for the data I processed. In the end, it was just another programming language.