Honestly, she won the only real thing that matters: actual attention and fame. I couldn’t tell you won the medals. But I’ll definitely remember her performance for years. She’s now famous, whether she wants to or not. I’d lean into that if I was her.
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You can find these videos all over the fkn internet what do you mean you can't find it?lmao
I looked for this video for over a week. For something so widely discussed it's crazy nobody could actually see it.
Full all 3 sets.
Change out the XXX with com. Trying not to get caught.
Yep, this one works 👍.
Where was that iconic kangaroo pose?
Second part of the battle I think.
This really goes to show how little provocation internet weirdos need to hate on a woman.
Why are you making it about gender? She has the dance moves of a kid in the grocery store cereal aisle.
You know fine rightly people wouldn't be making a big deal of this or ignoring the reasons behind this if it was a man.
If it was a dude it would be like William Hung, everyone would still laugh at him but would also be kinda rooting for him. People are right to laugh at Raygun, but the conspiracies about her getting ahead because of her husband have a sexist vibe to them.
Man, the jam on it video has wayyy better breakdancers.