"Dialectical Materialism is when every industrialized nation in the world has universal healthcare except the home of capitalism"
Good memes, bad memes, unite towards a united front.
Xi Jinping casts DialMat, it is very effective!
They think everyone has unqualified leaders like the US
I just realized that you can't even spell Marxism without xi. Really makes ya think.
Unfortunately Lenin came before Xi. Marxism-Xism would've sounded much funnier than Marxism-Leninism
No, Mar-Xism.
The most mediocre westerner thinks they know more than the leader of a nation of a billion people that is by most criteria operating smoothly. That's how badly orientalism has seeped into culture here.
Is this an IGN article? It feels like one.
Yes. It is very believable that the guy who holds a doctorate in Marxism is unable to explain the concept of dialectic materialism. I am sure this is a very serious and credible text
To be fair, explaining diamat to the average WSJ reader is hard mode
Xi before author was born:
I wouldn't rate that very highly on diamat
disagree, the essay is very simple but full of dialectical thinking and materialist philosophy.
As a metaphor for things, dripping water is a demonstration of dialectical principles that use softness to overcome hardness, and the weak to control the strong. I believe in the invaluable spirit of that drop of water, which bravely goes into the breach with no thought of retreat. Those of us who are involved in economic development will inevitably encounter complications in our work. We can either rise to the challenge or flinch and run away. It all depends on whether we have the courage to adhere to philosophical materialism.
When dripping water takes aim at a rock, each droplet zeroes in on the same target and stays the course until its mission is complete. The drops of water fall day after day, year after year. This is the magic that enables dripping water to drill through rock! How can it be that our economic development work is any different? Just look at areas where the economy is lagging. Historical, environmental, and geographical factors have all played a part in holding back development. There are no shortcuts. Nothing can change overnight. Instead, we need to focus on the long haul by turning quantitative changes into qualitative changes.
Things as a process, sum of quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, struggle of opposites(soft overcomes hard), objective reality, the world and its laws are unknowable, rejection of mysticism, etc.. It's all covered. As i mentioned, it's a simple text but it filled with these principles.
GOOD post
the world and its laws are unknowable, rejection of mysticism
knowable* woops
I read exclusively wsj to learn concepts like dialectical materialism
~~Mar~~ xism
~~Mar~~ Xi ~~sm~~
Gasp, they're right!