I'm new to maps. I created one map then zoomed it out on a cartography table. I tried to create a second map by going out of the range of the first map before.aking it but it turns blank when I go back to my base?
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When you expand a map, is erases everything on it. You need to create a map in the sector you want to map then expand it the. Explore to reveal it. Also count the number of times you expand each map so they all match the same scale.
I would probably pay good money to be able to experience Minecraft again for the first time, vanilla does not make it for me anymore :D
I’m playing on my phone (PE/Bedrock). I’ve fooled around on Pc with Java and mods and yeah you can go deep in making the game different. I watched a video recently about the 2weeks phase and they were saying the trick is to take your time and enjoy the world instead of rushing through. Build a nice home, dig a mine and get some ore the go back to your house. Usually I give myself a new direction at every session (today was getting the maps). I haven’t explored the nether yet (actually I built a portal but somehow it teleports me in fire and I die before the game fully loads the world, the joys of bedrock, I’ll need to make a new portal further away)
I play Java (Pojav Launcher) on my phone, Bedrock has DRM that prevents me playing it, even though I bought it on Google Play, because I installed it from the Aurora Store. Plus, as you say, it has mods, and subjectively, I prefer the UI.
The one thing I like about Bedrock is that maps only cost 1 paper with the cartography table or 1 paper and one compas if you want locator. while in Java it’s only locator map with one compas and 8 papers.
I discovered this today (having never played bedrock) and was absolutely delighted as exploration and filling maps is my favourite pass time! I don't remember losing my maps contents as I zoom out, though.
The zoom reset out is annoying. I just make a map, then immediately zoom it out to my liking before exploring.
You should post pics of your bases! It's a great game, especially when just starting out!
Here is my main house. The other two are more of the dirt house and cave with a door.
The ultra tall cheminey has saved me quite a few times you can see it from anywhere (within the render distance). I gave up on training my dogs not to jump on the bed.
Nice. Looks cozy
Lovely pictures! Your base looks nice :)