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Welcome to the Minecraft community on Lemmy and Kbin!

The home for all posts related to the Minecraft franchise: from the classic game to the mobile ports, mods, adventure games, merchandise and similar!

Official Lemmy.world server available!

Lemmy.world hosts an official server that welcomes all players to contribute and have fun:

Minecraft Version: 1.20.x

Address: minecraft.lemmy.world

Please make sure you read our rules before posting.


Rules can be clicked on to be expanded.

1: Treat all users with respect.

Bullying, threathening, doxxing, or toherwise hostile behaviors with any of our users will not be tolerated. Be civil, have fun.

2: Posts must be related to the Minecraft franchise.

This includes the main game, titles like Dungeons, fan art, wiki pages, toys, new feature votes, and similar content.

3: No advertising.

If you want to share a product you're a manufacturer or seller of, please contact the moderation team first. Affiliate links to online shopping stores or affiliate coupon codes are not allowed.

4: No piracy.

Links or discussions about cracked versions of games, unauthorized copies of copyrighted material and other similar piracy-related content are not allowed.

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This community is inclusive to users of all ages. Keep in mind Minecraft attracts children and adults alike. Therefore, no NSFW content is allowed.

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founded 1 year ago

Changes coming to how Minecraft is being developed:

- Mob votes are no more πŸ¦€πŸ¦€πŸ¦€
- One big update per year, smaller "game drops" throughout the year
- Minecraft Live will happen twice per year

More on that and other changes can be found on official blog update https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/the-future-of-minecrafts-development

#Minecraft #MinecraftLive @minecraft


I've been spending time in ancient cities and I'm wondering what the lore is around them. Was sculk a parasite? Did villagers build them? Are ancient cities related to trail ruins?

They're so intriguing to me, but I can't imagine how they got there


Is there a way to get villagers with separated arms on bedrock? Would I need to write my own addon? I don't see anything built for that currently.

My end goal would be to get villagers to look like dwarfs, like this resource pack.



Let's say I'm just a member on a server and the admin has disabled this feature. Maybe using some sort of hack client?


Hello everyone,

Finally managed to get a modded world stable enough to have a few large machines running and enjoy their use, including an autonomous concrete factory. With that I've built some walls and then realized I don't have any real experience with modern architecture... so I've got a giant white brick surrounding my machines.

Honestly, I'm not used to building on this scale either so I'm not sure how to make this look nice on multiple fronts. One thing I do know though; I don't like glass curtain-walls so I'd rather not do that for this building in spite of it certainly being big enough.

Any ideas?


Most people's nether portals are inside their base or only a short distance away. Use this information to how you want.


When a monster falls into the hole, I just pull the lever and crush the monster who steps in it.



After a long break, a new #Minecraft snapshot 24w33a is out now, and it's a big one!

πŸ‘œ Bundles are making a return, with a new improved UI!

πŸšƒ With the Minecart Improvements experiment, you can build more exciting rollercoasters!

βš™ New experimental changes to how Redstone works!

This version contains many more new things; check out the #MinecraftWiki for an overview:

#MinecraftSnapshots @minecraft


No body


Alternative link: https://invidious.darkness.services/watch?v=4XmJPb4Qt5Y

Mojang demonstrate how some of the games sound effects were made; from modern sounds, also going back to some of the older sounds. I find it cool that they recorded real dolphin sounds themselves. The way the phantom was recorded was outright creepy.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I only started playing Minecraft a couple of months ago. My son (6) wanted to play it and I wanted to check it out first and got hooked it’s a fun game to play at work during breaks. The green markers are each of my bases.


Trying to see if I can add a turn based movement system.

The only way I can think of is by setting a worldborder centered on a player for their turn.

But theres a few problems: No vertical limiting, other players could use it if they are close enough, it looks kind of ugly and the border is square (yes I know minecraft is square)



I find in retrospect that the legacy console versions of the game were always so much more cozy than Java or Bedrock. The worlds really felt more like your own home in the classic versions; not just a near-infinite display of eternally explorable land that always feels foreign. To an extent, you needed to be more careful with your resources too, as sometimes they were extremely rare and you could cause an item or block to go "extinct" in the world, because you carelessly threw it out. You can see that as a hassle, but I found it a more realistic and fun experience having to think a bit more about how you managed the world.

Unlike the infinite worlds, you can't just fly off to some far-off part of the world you never visit and demolish an entire beach or desert for infinite sand, because, with the limited world size, you would be tearing up your own home and making the world look ugly (unless you're the YouTuber ibxtoycat who loves doing things like that πŸ˜‚).

I miss the small worlds, and even though the engine limitations of that old version would have made it a stretch, I would have loved to see the recent updates (1.15-1.21) come to the game.

There was a charm to multiplayer survival worlds in Legacy, too. Because of the small size, you would bump into your friends just doing their own things, minding their own business in the worlds so much more often than in infinite worlds, where they could be hundreds of thousands, to millions of blocks apart from each other and only interact through the in-game chat or voice-chat. The world as a result felt so much more alive with multiple players. I miss the old console version...


I host my own Minecraft server and have online-mode set to false in serer.properties.

Now, I want others to join but I don't expect them to buy a legitimate copy of Minecraft. Isn't that why we use this setting online-mode?

In the ol' days (1.8 and post), I remember using some copy of Minecraft where I could just change my username on every start of this client, and join my server. Period. Done. I want the same again. Is this possible? In a non-illegal way? What about grey-area? I don't care about security or impersonation (partly).

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