Now all you gotta do is learn how to attach your image directly to the post so it shows up in the feed without having to click on it first.
EDIT: also, did anyone notice yet that Betty has three legs?
Community for AI image generation. Any models are allowed. Creativity is valuable! It is recommended to post the model used for reference, but not a rule.
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Now all you gotta do is learn how to attach your image directly to the post so it shows up in the feed without having to click on it first.
EDIT: also, did anyone notice yet that Betty has three legs?
Prompt: A whimsical and surreal photo featuring Betty Boop atop a massive, colorful fish. The fish leaps gracefully through a ring of flames, while Betty Boop maintains her balance and holds a box of Rice Krispies. The background is a blend of vibrant colors, with onlookers watching the spectacle in awe. The overall atmosphere is playful and nostalgic, evoking a sense of wonder and delight.
Okay that one is pretty cool. Much better than the first one if you ask me.
What I don't get with prompts like this that the content of that long prompt feels low compared to the number of words used. It feels like you should be able to be a lot more consise and still convey the same message.
However, in image prompting, consise tends to equal pedestrian, boring, images.
Every word conveys meaning. “She balances on” has a different meaning than “riding”.
Balancing on contains information about her posture, her muscle tone, the relationship between the fish and Betty in terms of normal forces and their shared momentum.
Language can be very information-dense if precise vocabulary is used.
Ideogram has a magic prompt feature that turns concise prompts into elaborate ones. In this case I actually entered a short prompt in Ideogram but I didn’t like the output. Then I copied the magic prompt into Copilot and got what I wanted.
Wheres the fish? Shes not eating the krispies. And she has three legs.
Your first mistake is asking AI to render any creature eating properly, whether human or not.
That's not your fault at all, AI just doesn't get it..
You got my upvote regardless, the result is still randomly cute. 👍
Yeah, verbs in general seem to be a hardship for these things
That’s because they experience the world as photos, not yet video. Verbs make no sense if the world is photographs.