I've been 100% on Linux since July of last year. I thought I was currently having my first major Linux fucked up situation that I just could not figure out this weekend.
It has been very depressing, after trying to convince friends and family to give Linux a chance and keep an open mind for months, I was beginning to feel like a fraud and a liar.
But, after hours of software troubleshooting turning up nothing I've discovered I'm in the early stages of a dying ssd... My first major problem, and it's hardware related. It sucks but it is also a relief in a weird way.
And I'm finding out about it way earlier than I likely would have in windows thanks to btrfs. But it's also funny because if I had been having similar issues in windows I probably would have ran hardware diag much sooner, but because I'm still a bit of a Linux newbie I assumed I broke my OS and wasted hours troubleshooting software.