...ice which has never been polluted by any human being.
shows picture of human being polluting said ice
...ice which has never been polluted by any human being.
shows picture of human being polluting said ice
“Yeah, I’m still drinking what used to be piss, but at least it wasn’t human piss. Because ewwies. Right, barkeep?”
Barkeep: (two thumbs up) (how the fuck should I know)
Full of heady goodness
This is going to be how the zombie virus comes about. Someone ingests a million year old virus that becomes infectious and boom, we got new COVID.
We already had a novel one, so is the next one going to be neo COVID or cyber COVID or what? Or just new COVID, like new Coke?
Why wait for climate change when you can just pick off chunks and bring them to a desert -__-
If you look at their current sourcing it's fine. They're not cutting apart glaciers, they're gathering it from parts that have calved and will just melt apart regardless.
Greenland has a right to sell their natural resources as much as anyone else, and the sad thing is this admittedly ludicrous enterprise is more profitable for less environmental damage than most things.
The problem is all the carbon that is emitted to transport the ice from Greenland halfway around the world for no other reason than bullshit marketing.
They'll only do it once though and serve regular ice after that. Or do you think the ice gourmets will notice?
International overseas shipping is actually pretty carbon efficient as transport goes.
Hell they're actually pretty down for efficiency improvements in shipping, to the point where people are just straight up talking about bringing back sails because... Well, why not? It's free energy.
It's not necessary but you compare this to crypto or deliberately inefficient vehicle design and it's just not something to get upset about.
Yeah but have you considered that this ice is icier than other ice?
Okay now I'm convinced
Ice XIV: lol