In this comment section I have found my people
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
In this comment section I have found my people
I have only 64gb so 1500-2000 with about 60 addons the practical limit. Really wish wevhad better management tools and VM like controls for tabs. There is still headroom in the system but the problem is operations that wake up too many tabs too fast
You can use Tab Center Reborn & OneTab for a much better tab hoarding experience.
I wish there was an option to keep certain integral tabs open fully.. Annoying when I need to copy some code and it relaunches
Doesn't pinning essentially do that? I do it for Jira and switching to it is usually fast.
Hazel sounds like my soulmate. I have a good 1500+ tabs open on any given moment
May I ask you what you actually need that many tabs for? I do research for my work but I usually start closing stuff at 50ish tabs lates
A lot of things stay open and I might lose touch for sure.
But I have a lot of "per window" tab groups about specific work subjects, specific technologies, specific subjects of interest. A lot of it stays open until I look into it, which sometimes can take a while
Your addon list please
I use a tab manager, and a tab killer that kills the process while not actively in use to save resources. I believe the tab killer is auto tab discard, and the tab manager I can't remember which it is right now
I have three open and feel like its a bit much.
Same How do people navigate all those tabs? Or do they always open a new one? It's SO much clutter
Yeah same. Discord, gmail and whatsapp web, plus whichever ones I'm actively using. And those will be closed by end of day at the very latest.
I wonder if they were using FF back when they had the Panorama feature back in the day. That many tabs seems like it would be great for organizing everything. It is almost hilarious to think that FF was so far ahead of the game that it just didn't make sense. Now all the other major browsers are adding some kind of tab groups feature.
The way FF did it was cool and was like having virtual desktops but groups of tabs. Aside from proper vertical tabs that keeps theme and doesn't require hacking settings to get rid of the horizontal row (Edge and Brave are good examples as their hover to expand titles and collapse when using the pages are smooth). Bringing back grouping tabs like Panorama had them would be really cool to have again.
Though I would love to see a blend of nice vertical tabs and groups like what I see in screenshots of browsers like Arc. Very different looking but in a good way. If FF could make their own spin of that UI work with both vertical and horizontal tabs. It would be dope af.
This makes me feel better about the 100-200 tabs I have perpetually open.
Maybe it's just my ADHD, but I can't even imagine managing that many tabs.
In my workflow, I start a project, then keep opening new tabs as I need to look things up, frequently moving tabs between multiple browsers spanning my 32" monitor. So long as I'm working on that problem, I just keep opening new tabs.
Then, when I've finally squared away the section of the project I was working on, I usually just close the browser entirely and start fresh.
Needing to manually sift through the 80+ tabs I chaotically opened in the last hour or so to figure out what's worth keeping? Hell no. That's what browser history is for. It's Etch-a-Sketch time! Shake it clean and start fresh.
You want the session addon. Also profile switcher. My project topic usually span 500-1000 tabs each and I often have 15-30 projects going in a single session. Can't wait until I can use open source LLM to ask questions about all the content of all my tavs.
Seems like your ADHD manifests in a different way than some others. I have no less than 90 tabs open across three monitors and damnit I nEeD all of them!
I typically have 50-200 browser tabs open, but I also usually have 5+ browser windows running. So, like, when I'm building something, I'll have the thing I'm building and all its parts spread across two windows, and a third window with all my reference materials. Then I can cleanly kill them all when I'm done.
I don't really know what I'd keep from those when that workflow is done. The thing is built, so I don't need any of it anymore.