Are there plans to add a “mark as read on scroll” feature like other apps have?
Mlem for Lemmy
Official community for Mlem, a free and open-source iOS Lemmy client.
- Keep it civil.
- This is a forum for discussion about Mlem. We welcome a degree of general chatter, but anything not related to Mlem may be removed at moderator discretion. This is not a forum for iPhone/Android debate. Posts and comments saying nothing but "iOS bad/I use Android" will be removed as off-topic.
- We welcome constructive criticism, but ask that it be both precise and polite.
- When will insert feature here be implemented?
- Check our issue board--if there isn't an issue open for the feature you want, feel free to open an issue or make post! Just remember that devs are people too--we're doing this for free in our spare time, and building a quality app takes a lot of patient work.
- Is Mlem available for Android?
- No. Mlem is written using SwiftUI, which is not currently supported on Android. If such support becomes available, we will look into bringing Mlem to our Android friends.
- How do I join the beta?
- We are currently testing our new 2.0 codebase on TestFlight. We have two beta groups: a weekly group that receives the current state of our development branch every week, and a stable group that receives a curated pre-release build at the end of each development cycle.
- Join the weekly beta
- Join the stable beta
- How do I join the dev team?
- Head over to our recruitment channel, or go straight to our GitHub and read to get started.
It's currently live on the TestFlight beta! We're planning to roll it out to the App Store in the next few days.
Awesome! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for your work and your transparent
Thanks for all the effort you guys put for us to enjoy lemmy natively. I have three questions:
- Do you plan to add gif scrubbing functionality to the app?
- Do you think iOS17 support is going to be long term?
- Do you plan to add post/comment search functionality?
Thanks for the hard work!
- Yes! We aren't happy with the current state of our media viewer. 2.0 is a backend-focused rewrite, so probably won't have a new media viewer on launch, but it's without a doubt high on our list of important features.
- Hard to say. Our iOS compatibility policy guarantees compatibility until iOS18 reaches 75% market share; after that, I can't make any promises. We take the decision to drop compatibility very seriously, and try to only do so when the features offered by the newer iOS are valuable enough that we would be compromising the potential quality of the app by ignoring them.
- Yes. We're still working out some UX concerns stemming from the fact that it's very slow to search posts and comments compared to communities, but it's in the plans.
Very nice! I already love Mlem so I can’t wait to try out the next generation!
Very nice. Do you have any sort of timeframe estimate for 2.0? Is it going to be a while before we see any new versions while you rework your code base?
Best of luck!
We're reluctant to give concrete time estimates since our development time is constrained by our day jobs and other responsibilities, but we hope to have 2.0 in early TestFlight on a schedule roughly in line with our release cadence (~2mo).
We don't plan to release any new features to the 1.x codebase after 1.3, but we will continue to fix major bugs and maintain compatibility against changes to the Lemmy API while we bring 2.0 up.
Cool. Thanks for all the hard work!