Arkansas doing surprisingly well
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Doesn't every state have a public program for low income families? That's literally what Medicaid is, I believe?
Some places are totally just not doing it right
Some places are totally just not doing it right
Repugnantcans: "It's not that we don't know how to govern, it's just that government is inherently bad compared to the free market"
Anyone know what’s going on in that one red triangle in Pennsylvania? I’m not familiar with that part of PA and nothing stands out on a map
Aside from that, all of the northeast except Maine showing well.
What's the square guy in top left that's almost completely red?
Wait, I thought most states did? Meant for the really low income people on food stamps and cash assistance?
Also, Jesus Christ Wyoming.
yo be fair, wyoming has a population smaller than major states bigger cities, so having access to a doctor in that reletively speaking, spread out isnt that easy, nor momentarily desireable for a doctor that would work there unless theyre heavily compensated.
Big coincidence all the red is in red states and counties. Hrmmmmm...
better red and dead, apparently...
This is because the higher values are denoted by a redder color, causing the states with the most red to be red in appearance
Yeah but this doesn't explain the urine colored states.
Overlay with the poorest and least educated and you may find even more surprising 'coincidences'!
But the government is literally incapable of ever doing anything right! We made sure of it! How is this possible!!
No this is a failure of government, their job is to make poor people's/ minority's lives harder and keep them beaten down /s
Spread the news!
It could start at the county level and move its way up.
So does Massachusetts
Honestly all the NE states look pretty good.
Except Maine... Wtf Maine.
Maine is New England's Alabama.
I'd always heard New Hampshire referred to as "the south of the north," but on this map, at least, it looks downright heavenly compared to Maine.
Maine is rural and it feels like it's sometimes trending libertarian at times.
And how many times have the Republicans tried to abolish that program?