9front, eh?
one should not chase the electric dream, but strive to became an extension to its dreamer
Automatism in the age of the children of Unix.
It's a box of antique photographs. A blade, a girl and a fish. Whatever it means, you're invested.
Now that you're a surrealist, become a Techno-Mage:
- https://openbsd.org/
- https://freebsd.org/
- https://netbsd.org/
- https://dragonflybsd.org/
- https://9front.org/
- https://100r.co/site/uxn.html
- https://distrowatch.org/
any chances of a getting a black or dark blue zipper hoodie at redbubble with techno mage?
the chances just went up! Thanks, I'll let you know.
I like the candy jar full of parentheses. Also what looks like a windows box on the dangerous shelf.
Someone once told me that they were running random program files in a DOS compiler directory, to see if there was anything interesting.
They found one that just printed a message to the console: "Stop playing Russian Roulette with exe files."
i want to read the cursed compilers book
inscryption moment
I fucking love Inscryption. I recently played a few hours thanks to Pokemon cards mod, and Endless Mode mod. Awesome stuff.
I don't get it
Inscryption is a video game where you play cards against dark and insidious opponents. Outside of the story about your character and their opponents, there's a super-story about a someone who found a mysterious floppy disk with Inscryption on it, told through video clips.
ah thank you :)
Let me guess, a plan9 floppy?