I have now discovered that it ISN'T POSSIBLE, either through my app, or through the web-interface, to EDIT a comment, WHEN one's revision is too-big.
Therefore, I have to create a completely-new one, in order to revise one.
AAAnd .. apparently it ISN'T POSSIBLE to contribute a comment this-long, so I'm now having to break it into pieces, too...
I'm leaving-up my previous edition, so that you can see all the denigrations of it, as they stand.
Revised: Obviously, a 1000-word spur-of-the-moment reply ended-up too convoluted to be anyhow valid or intelligent or sane, in the community's determination.
Therefore this 2000+ word revision of it.
NONE of the links are "affiliate links" of any kind: they exist so you can directly consider the referent I'm identifying, AND so you can read reviews of that referent, yourself.
getting away from prejudice/abuse/gaslighting, including by doctors & Western Medicine as a whole, as much as I can.
discovering that the Ayurvedic claim that there are 3 fundamental-metabolisms ( as well as 4 mixed-metabolisms ) is hard, testable fact, and this immensely improved the healingness of my food, once I understood.
discovering that there are 3 epigenetic conditions underlying most of "psychiatry", which rejects this testable-fact, and that both the Undermethylated-DNA-disorder treatment & the Pyrrol-disorder treatment testably, provably, work.
Empiricism/Objectivity intersection-with Kaizen: the only TRUE assumption-river/religion is the intersection of Empiricism/Objectivity with Kaizen, Kaizen being relentless rational evolution.
To all the Western Medicine & Scientism gaslighters that hold it to be established that "there never has been, and isn't, ANY evidence of brain-healing in adults", read these books by Dr. Norman Doidge, IF you've the intellectual-integrity to do so:
AND know that this is the guy who nuked "the established Medical Knowledge that That Can't Happen", when he woke-up from a coma, because he had GROWN A REPLACEMENT CORPUS CALLOSUM 'ROUND THE BACK OF HIS BRAIN.
I spent several YEARS intermittently-catatonic with brain-injury, and was gaslighted by doctors that there was no brain-injury, and that it was "my mental illness" to believe that I could make my brain heal.
It seems obvious to me, that I did ditch their drugging, and haven't been much-of-the-time-catatonic since last-century.
It seems obvious to me that that fact is, itself, objective, factual evidence.
My 3 layers of brain-injury are:
Autism ( you can read about the brain-damage in terms of amygdala being 2x the normal size, so the amygdala-to-cortex-ratio is off by factor-of-2, you can read about the wrong-number-of-microcolumns, & the wrong-height-of-microcolumns on the cortex, you can read about our faceblindness, you can read about how eye-contact is emotional-violence to us, you can read about how social-process-circuitry is broken in us, you can SEE for yourself the autistic-bodylanguage in Richard Feynman's videos, and even-more-extremely in Temple Grandin's TED talks, etc. )
"acute, child-onset 'schizophrenia'" ( I will be linking to a paper SHOWING that that is brain-injury, according to medical-research scans, later. The cause of that 5-year-long wave-of-cell-apoptosis brain-decimation is, according to the evidence I've got, epigenetic, and both mitigatable-before-it-hits and mitigatable-after-the-fact, as my obvious recovery would testify, outside fundamentalist Scientism. )
when the bullying-prejudice's gaslighting got too-strong, I began trying to cudgel-my-will-to-live-to-death, so that I could then murder my life, as a means of teaching the Soul/CellOfGod/Atman that was having my life to GROW THE FUCK UP AND STOP INDULGING IN SUCH ABUSE-TOY LIVES. I failed, obviously, and now have bad memory-problems as a result of about 1000-ish hard-concussions with weapons, of whatever was ready-to-hand, through more than a decade.
What worked:
- Solitude.
Many YEARS of Solitude & Isolation.
Getting away from the abuser/prejudice/gaslighting, and since it is normal-culture, itself, whose prejudice is my fundamental abuser, then getting away from everybody, for years, gave me the means to continue existing, eventually living, & even healing.
I don't expect solitude to work for anybody other-than the ones that "Enneagram" calles a "5".
( Richard Rohr commented that monasteries are filled with enneagram-5's: he was right. )
That, combined with Frawley's ayurvedic appropriate-to-one's-metabolism ingredients food, which massively helped my health,
IF you've the intellectual-integrity to DO the experiment, THEN https://www.amazon.com/Ayurvedic-Healing-Comprehensive-David-Frawley-ebook/dp/B003TO5EF0/ and https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-your-Type-Ayurvedic-Approach-ebook/dp/B0028UBEVO/ BOTH are required for necessary-and-sufficiently-complete understanding:
the "Ayurvedic Healing" book includes the best test-checklist I know-of, and it is the ingredients-lists that make the book into scientific-experiment's basis:
Simply discover which of the 7 possible metabolic-types you are, then, IF you are not of the all-3-mixed-together one, THEN you can do the experiment thusly:
- identify the ingredients, the cooking-methods, and the balance-of-kinds-of-ingredients that is most-pacifying for your metabbolism/dosha, AND
- identify the ones that are most inappropriate for your metabolism/dosha, AND
- prepare pairs of dishes, such that you have 2 complete, though small, meals, for yourself, AND
- sit down without distractions, & see if you can identify your body's reaction to the different dishes
- honestly consider your results.
I consider the probability of Frawley's book ( and NOT ANYTHING of the bullshit "ayurveda" from the internet! ) of being as stunningly-accurate in its prediction of what would be beneficial vs harmful to be extremely low: it was TOO consistently & improbably right.
It has proven, through the years, to remain so, as I've broken my metabolism from the one I spent nearly 1/2 century in, and then I broke that one, and so on, ending-up in a mixed metabolism.
Having that ingredients-list on me, when I was shopping, improved my health significantly, no matter how much contempt/prejudice Western Medicine has for such evidence.
They won't do the experiment, because they already "know" that "That Can't Happen!" and "That Isn't Possible!", which, exactly as many have noted since the 1800's, is one of several White prejudices.
& William J. Walsh's "Nutrient Power" book, which really oughta be corrected, a bit...
I replicated both his Undermethylated-DNA-disorder treatment and his Pyrrol-disorder treatment, each 4 times, and at-least 2 different ways.
Undermethylated-DNA-disorder: enteric-coated SAM-e, 40mins before breakfast, with clear water ( or tea, but NO carbs/food ) worked in 3 months, and Methionine worked in 4 months. The only times in my life I've ever experienced ZERO stress, which was awesome.
Takes-away my academic-drive, though, so I only would use Methionine now to "take the edge off", if the stress of Undermethylation-distortion were gimping me or my life.
*** END OF PART1 ***