Oh, man. Both sides of this argument are so disingenuous.
The "traditional" car makers are being sooks, because they've clearly been asleep at the wheel (hah!) and steadfastly refused to make reasonable progress on emissions reduction, despite overwhelming scientific evidence that we're killing our planet.
On the other hand, the EV car makers stand to make the most money from the new scheme, with much of it arguably coming from a new revenue stream of them being able to sell the first group their emissions credits. Let's ignore the fact for a moment that, here in Australia, much of the power that charges these EVs comes from burning coal.
This is on the Australia government, particularly those fucked-up Libs with their noses firmly planted up big business' collective arse, for not taking meaningful action much sooner.
Important note: I'm not a green warrior by any stretch, and I drive a regular ICE car. I'm just fed up with all the finger-pointing and blame-shifting for an issue that threatens us globally.