Naturally a hot water bottle can get quite hot, but it is anything but energy efficient. Water is the substance with the highest caloric value . Naturally a hot water bottle can get quite hot, but it is anything but energy efficient. Water is the substance with the highest caloric value (4.196 J/gK, Copper has only 0.382), that is, it takes a lot of energy to heat a liter of water and in the bottle in les than 1 h it's ambient temperature
More efficient are chemical solutions, which heat for many hours with simple and environmentally friendly ingredients. These are mainly used in these thermal patches, which heat up in combination with air and provide heat up to 50ºC for 12 hours and more.
The ingredients could not be simpler, iron filings, sawdust and activated carbon, that is, practically waste. This mixture, with the humidity of the air, produces this heat by the oxidation of the iron. Later, when they are spent, it can be used even as a nutrient component in the soil for plants.