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I’ve never bought anything there, and I’m not really sure what you’d buy there anyway... Very technical things?
For normal household goods, I buy from or from the webstore of whatever results come up in an internet search.
Books I buy from De Slegte (secondhand) or Donner, but these are also my favourite (physical) book stores. Especially Donner has a beautiful and impressive store in the center of Rotterdam.
Electronics I buy from Coolblue or physically in a Mediamarkt.
Cheap junk I get from Action, Xenos or other random junk stores. I’ve bought from TEMU twice, but I don’t think I will again. I don’t really need to. I’ve also bought from ebay once.
This is all very Netherlands-centric, of course.
For me it started with online purchases of books when the web went commercial. Later still books, music and audio books (CD), movies (DVD, Blurays), electronics, computer consoles and games, physical games, PC hardware, and more often used goods via marketplace.
In Germany we also have many good alternatives. Online I use for example Thalia, Booklooker, Zweitausendeins, Technikdirekt, Roboter-Bausatz, Alternate, Rebuy, Medimops, Konsolekost, ... And from Poland of course GOG, my favourite game store :)
You can also check out for used books. Marktplaats is good for old DVDs etc.
I love :)
You can find lots of antique shops with really old (pre-1800) books on there.
Thanks for reminding me, have now applied to have it all deleted as well.