I snored that disrupted my wife at night. I got sleep tested and found out I had Sleep Apnea. A quiet CPAP machine solved my snoring and helped both of us get some rest.
Not the sexiest thing to wear in bed tho.
I snored that disrupted my wife at night. I got sleep tested and found out I had Sleep Apnea. A quiet CPAP machine solved my snoring and helped both of us get some rest.
Not the sexiest thing to wear in bed tho.
We both snore sometimes. If one of us has a cold or allergy, either of us sleeps in the living room. My husband used to snore A LOT and very loud. I asked him to see a doctor and he got surgery, air was not really flowing through his nose since birth. The snoring got soooo much softer. We also added an air filter in the bedroom.
My partner snores erratically and sleeps in the spare bedroom. We both sleep better for it but we are working for a better solution through diagnosis.
I am also the snoring partner. I ended up having a sleep study done and I've now been using a CPAP machine for the last few years, it took care of my snoring and improved the quality of my sleep significantly.
I am the snoring partner. I snore so profoundly that my best friends had no problem with me sneaking in their house at night to crash, because they'd always know when I decided to. Not sure if it was the fact my snoring is loud or if it was the acoustics.
Only one person I have shared a space with hasn't complained. One of us always ends up sleeping somewhere isolated while the other stays in the room. Even my dog has tried to silence me on several occasions, either trying to wake me up to stop the snoring or deciding to sleep somewhere on me where she can block out the sound. The one BF who has never complained about it has had a chronic case of the nose whistles when he sleeps, so it's not like I don't know how it is sleeping with annoying noise.
My partner rolls me (yup) to the side or gently wakes me up so I can change position or maybe blow my nose or something. I easily fall asleep so they know it is not an issue. Sometimes they go to sleep to the couch which sounds awful to me but which is merely an excuse to watch a podcast, cuddle with cats and use a softy-soft blanket.
Now, I also try to deal with it. As a snorer I try to never miss my allergies treatment, be sure to stay warm, drink a hot drink before sleep and maybe read an e-book before my partner falls asleep so I know it would annoy them less if I snore.