this post was submitted on 05 Mar 2024
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I wanted to reminisce a bit and play something that has Forestry (for the bees) and while I am not new to technic modpacks (Tekkit mainly) I don't have that much time to sink into automation now.

I choose E2 because I heard good things about Enigmatica in general so if I wanted Forestry it seemed like a good "latest and somewhat up-to-date" choice.

Though, after breezing thru early game, going straight for dia pickaxe and making CC Turtle then excavate a bit to get a some ores, I found out I have no idea how to make some early-ish game generation and to top it of it looks like there is tons of different mods doing same thing, power generation, grinding, furnaces, pipes - so many different pipes and obviously three or four different energy units where I don't know what works with what.

I guess I am asking if this is normal (or maybe E2 is too old?), also any tips for a "dusted-off" tekkit like experience? Or maybe something more streamlined.
I would love something with forestry as my mid/end game plan is just bees.

Thanks for any tips!

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