We are using for years home and business gnupg (for public/private keys) + pass + QtPass + git (for remote central storage). We are using it even as a team with shared keys.
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We are using for years home and business gnupg (for public/private keys) + pass + QtPass + git (for remote central storage). We are using it even as a team with shared keys.
It's got an app for basically all platforms, and you retain complete control over your data. Passwords go into an encrypted file, and you maintain that however you see fit.
Despite the breach, LastPass has been pretty solid for me for over a decade. Syncs across devices, easy sharing between family members, etc. If your master pw and iteration counts are in the green, even them losing your data is relatively low risk, apart from exposing the sites you have accounts for, which is equal parts privacy & security issue. If I wasn’t so invested in LP, I would probably go elsewhere but since the horse has bolted…
I’ve also heard good things about Bitwarden and KeePass but can’t speak to how easy they are to set up.
I've used Bitwarden for ages and it fits your needs very well. Sharing the login info will allow the rest of your family to access the passwords and TOTPs too. Bitwarden does charge for TOTP use, but Aegis is amazing to use along with Bitwarden. You could setup Aegis on your device and then, if you wanted someone else to have access, you'd just export the data so they could import it into their Aegis app.
I love Bitwarden and you can self host Vaultwarden. I'm not sure how OSS it is however.