Salad fingers up in this b
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That’s one condition I wish I had.
EDIT : especially since the page linked says :
This feature can occur on its own with no underlying health problems
That, and polydactyly like the Da Silva family (where every finger is fully formed and controllable)
Probably not. It's often associated with Marfan Syndrome, which also has more serious consequences.
The Wikipedia page linked is only a few lines long, it is a bit rude to assume I haven’t read it.
The first phrase after the summary is :
This feature can occur on its own with no underlying health problems
I wouldn’t have left the comment I did if that wasn’t the case.
I made no assumptions about what you did or did not read. I've known people with Marfan Syndrome, so I commented on it. Simple as that.
Ah, yaoi hands.