When it doesn't just show ERROR (the last helpful error ever), I'm getting things like:
Made by European company: NO
Company: blah blah blah, United Kingdom
Last time I checked, the UK was part of Europe, despite desperately trying not to be.
Welcome to BuyFromEU - A community dedicated to supporting European-made goods and services!
We also invite you to subscribe to:
Logo generated with mistral le chat Banner by Christian Lue on unsplash.com
When it doesn't just show ERROR (the last helpful error ever), I'm getting things like:
Made by European company: NO
Company: blah blah blah, United Kingdom
Last time I checked, the UK was part of Europe, despite desperately trying not to be.
The "UK is not part of EU" is probably the last thing we need at the moment
After reading the privacy notice (which IS only available after Installation), it seems they are using Gemini AI for identifikation, so Take the results with a grain of Salt. Could have been better utilizing Mistral or a Database Like FDDB directly.
Maybe i will contact them, their Website https://ecocheck.app/ seems to suggest, they are sponsored by various German organizations.
That would be a good proposal. In the last time we've got a lot of these GPT/Gemini based Apps popping up.
By the way: the first line of logos says something along the line of "known from" followed by media outlets. The sponsorhip is at the bottom of the page and it seems like it is vastly government sponsored.
Is there an iOS app?
I don't have a means to Check, but as their other App "EcoCheck" IS also in the appStore, this should probably be too
Could have been a website.
Just installed it. Tried it on 3 products (food). Worked for all of them. Less luck with sanitary products (deodorant, hand gel): the app says "product not found"