Part of me wonders if these children aren't better off not surviving compared to the lives they would have to lead at the hands of parents who would treat them this way. There will be constant abuse and neglect throughout their lives.
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Quarantine them and let them all die. Make it a condition of leaving the quarantine that they have to be vaccinated and sign statements that they revoke the anti-vax sentiments. No one else should have to die because of their stupidity.
Vaccination is a (small) price one pays to be a part of civilised society. Being vaccinated protects the whole community not just oneself, and as such should not be considered a 'personal choice'.
Careful with that. The us doesn’t have the best track record for forced medical anything.
I’m fine with personal choice but there should also exist quarantines and consequences for those choices. That’s the part we’re missing now.
I didn't think I said anything about forced vaccination.
The point I was trying to make was more that vaccination should be considered a precondition for involvement in civilised society. If you don't want a vaccine, fine, but feel free to go live a self-sustaining, off-grid lifestyle.
Perhaps my point was poorly made.
So fucking stupid!