The censorship on reddit has gotten insane. Here's hoping lemmy continues to grow!
Meta ( Meta
This is a community for discussion about this particular Lemmy instance.
News and updates about will be posted here, so if that's something that interests you, make sure to subscribe!
- Support requests belong in !support
- Only posts about topics directly related to are allowed
- If you don't have anything constructive to add, then do not post/comment here. Low effort memes, trolling, etc is not allowed.
- If you are from another instance, you may participate in discussions, but remain respectful. Realize that your comments will inevitably be associated with your instance by many users.
If you're a Discord user, you can also join our Discord server:
Discord is only a back-up channel, [email protected] will always be the main place for communications.
If you need help with anything, please post in !support instead.
Is there a community for asking a question about the existence of other communities related to a specific topic?
I want to find out if anyone knows about any communities regarding a political topic, but the ask community rules state no politics.
Thank you for hosting this space. 🫶
Happy to join the party! Look forward to growing the community
Can someone help me get started
I tend to browse all (or whatever it is here; just the main page my app gives me). It's full with a lot of US political outrage, but the other posts dotted among that have some interesting ones that I'd miss if I just looked at subscriptions.
So I mostly skim down the big line of posts and click in the occasional one that looks interesting.
I imagine you can get into more of being a community if you subscribe to some 'communities' (what on Reddit were subreddits).
Feel free to post and comment. People are mostly friendly unless you question the political narrative - and even there we have friendly debaters and some opposing-sides-bigots to balance it out ;-p (mostly the drama between standard Reddit-esque liberal Dems supporters and USSR/PRC communism supporters known as 'tankies', mostly over on and lemmygrad)
There's fewer of us here, so you'll see some names come up often, and don't worry if your comment gets few or no votes, or just one downvote (there seem to be occasional people going round downvoting every comment of users they feel upset with).
You can also block users or communities, to filter out stuff. I tend not to, because even in the most ignore-worthy communities some good things float to the top sometimes. For the same reason some instances block whole other instances. This one,, tends not to block other instances from the server.
To use Lemmy there's the website obviously, which I think has a couple of interfaces you can choose between, or various apps. I use Jerboa because it was already on F-droid when I started.
And some people have suggestions about sorting by new or top instead of hot. I haven't played around with that. Lemmy doesn't have a personal targeting algorithm, so the simple sorting it does have can be a bit more hit and miss.
Does that help a bit?
Bye Reddit, hello Lemmy.
Time to boycott that platform it has become a joke.
Loving it here!
I’ve been or Reddit for years. recently got a ban because I commented on a post on r/pics, but apparently since I had commented in a subreddit they disagreed with I was permanently banned from their community. I asked what post and and was told I’m now muted for 28 days. All done by bots.
I forgot about it and carried on, but one day about 20 days later I commented with a different account on another r/pics post. Suddenly both accounts are now blocked from Reddit for 7 days.
Well fuck em, I deleted that app. When bots can get you banned, for not even saying anything wrong, just because you commented on another subreddit that whole site is fucked and going to hell.
Happy to be here and hopefully we can not deal with the same ban hammer style bs that Reddit is doing.
Happy to be part of the first big wave of 2025. I’m sure there will be plenty more.
Thanks for having me!
Reddit has been absolutely toxic over the past month or so. Looking forward to a change of pace!
Just got here. Seems pretty cool so far.
Well, now you're here, of course it is ;-)
Came here to support Canada and boycott all American products including tech/reddit. Elbows up!
I'm ashamed to admit that your username got a chuckle out of me
Hey, thanks a lot for taking care of the server and stuff : ) Looking forward to meet this nice community.
Yeah, Ive been seeing posts getting lot of upvotes recently welcome reddit refugees!!
This is encouraging. I wish i found out about sooner. I had heard of it before but for some reason stayed on reddit that is until they IP banned me for a comment essentially saying “international law states occupied indigenous populations have a right to resist and fight occupation by any means necessary including organized violence” and now seeing how reddit is attacking people for supporting Luigi Mangione and calling for revolution against a decrepit disgusting fascist regime that obviously wont allow for any systemic change within its own mechanisms is beyond concerning. We need people still on reddit to spread the word and help those still trapped in that awful corporatist controlled community to break free and join
Just got permabanned sitewide from Reddit for saying “trans women are women” and nothing more than that, so I figured I’d check this place out.
Jeez wow, unbelievable
Wow, reddit sucks.
Thank you so much for creating this instance. I appreciate all your work.
I didn’t think I’d like it here. It turns out I like it quite a bit.
Same. Welcome here
I signed up with a different account but never recieved a verification email and was unable to login. I also could not find how to request a new verification email. I would really like to get that account activated. Does any one know how to get the verification email resent?
New friends! :)
Such a relief to scroll through posts without having to worry about what's advertisement, it has a much more genuine and human feeling.
No ads, but I'm afraid we do have a lot of propaganda over here ;-)
But, if you don't block them, we have opposing propaganda too so you can stay confused ;p
It's so cool being here. Actual people being people with a certain hint of joy because of being here.
Heyo :D