this post was submitted on 25 Jul 2022
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There are a few alternative voting systems to chose from, for how elections will work in democracies. Scoring seems to be the best one. But I haven't heard anybody discuss negative votes.

f people could turn up just to vote against a candidate, or against all candidates, then a lie more people would turn up to vote.

Additionally, very unpopular candidates would no longer win elections.

Take Trump vs Clinton for a good example. Both were very unpopular. Many people were not really voting for one, but against the other.

In a system with negative votes, both of them would have finished with negative totals. A third party candidate with the most broad support would have won.

This shows how a system with negative votes could lead to a better (and more democratic) outcome. But is there a flaw or drawback? Why is this type of system not more favoured?

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