this post was submitted on 06 Oct 2021
1 points (100.0% liked)
Democracy: A democratically run community.
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A community dedicated to democracy!
Where mods will be elected on a regular basis, and can be repealed, and decisions are made as a community.
Rules with regards to how the community is run can be changed, as long as they don't serve to prevent oppression of groups or speech.
Community rules:
Posting/Commenting rules:
Be civil - No personal attacks, flaming, hate speech, baiting, trolling, doxing, etc.
No bigotry or racism. This is an inclusive space.
No low-effort or title-only posts.
Use article titles and source & don't editorialize
Don't use all capital letters in titles.
Don't downvote based on your opinion.
No inciting posting & bad faith arguing.
Report users who violate rules.
founded 4 years ago
there doesn't seem to be anything here