The green chicken flag strikes again. It may be a small thing, but i knew the logo change was the first step towards corpo bullshit.
Protect your privacy in the digital world
Welcome! This is a community for all those who are interested in protecting their privacy.
PS: Don't be a smartass and try to game the system, we'll know if you're breaking the rules when we see it!
- Be nice, civil and no bigotry/prejudice.
- No tankies/alt-right fascists. The former can be tolerated but the latter are banned.
- Stay on topic.
- Don't promote proprietary software.
- No crypto, blockchain, etc.
- No Xitter links. (only allowed when can't fact check any other way, use xcancel)
- If in doubt, read rule 1
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I am so tired of feeling like I have an adversarial relationship with everything in my life
Come on Mozilla, what the fuck are you guys doing? You don't have the luxury of monopoly and you're going to alienate those few diehard fans who stick with Firefox because alternatives are shit and they all run Chromium even if they aren't.
Ladybird needs to materialize fast before it's too late.
I'd go Waterfox, but I really like the on-machine translation in Firefox that Waterfox doesn't have it.
LibreWolf has the on-machine translation and when you disable some of the hardcore privacy defaults it is a quite good Firefox replacement.
So much for being a "private browser." It literally says that on the app store in the title.
Ohh look... CEO can fuck ur wife BC ToS says so right here 🤡
Omfg I'm sick of this bullshit
I await to see technical enforcement of it. Anyone can write rules on a piece of paper, but without collecting information physically, or having someone enforce it, it's useless words. And so far it seems a lot of people and companies make rules and claims without technological enforcement.
I imagine though at worst you can simply block all of mozilla's domains through /etc/hosts and their IPs or IP range with a firewall rule. Still sucks but you do not need to comply with it, no matter what anyone says. It's the technical aspects that are the most thorny, not the words on a page.
By reading this comment you hearby agree to send Draconic NEO no less than $400 in the currency of AnimalCrossing bells, applies for each time you read it, and re-reads of words also count. You will also be required to stand on your head for 30 minutes for every instance of reading this comment or re-reading a word. Compliance with these terms is mandatory.
Fuck your Ai and your license agreement. Enshittification stops at no company.
Maybe going from community effort to company driven isn't so great after all. people say that Open source projects need to do that to stay alive or be worth while. Though all that has been happening with companies lately points to a different conclusion.
Doesn't apply to forks, but still...
Bruh. Is there a Firefox fork on Android? I have Librewolf on desktop but I don't think they have an Android app sadly.
Fennec is one for Android. Seems okay so far.