Die Linke seems to be gaining some traction this campaign, and the (pat-soc?) splinter party BSW may not even get a seat. But the real draw for the AfD right now is the migration issue, not realpolitik vis a vis Ukraine and Russia. So much of a draw that all mainstream parties except for Die Linke have effectively signed on to the AfD's immigration policies.
Let's play the thought experiment forward one election cycle. What if the AfD were to win say, a coalition with the conservative CDU? Merz has already shown his willingness to cooperate with the AfD, so let's assume they get a significant amount of their migration agenda done. The problem is that they'll only be able to do so much in five years, meanwhile conditions for Germans will worsen. At that point the voters will either reject another term of AfD-CDU at the next election because there was no improvement in their lives, or they double down because the billionaire propaganda pushing fascist policies and parties keeps going and keeps convincing people that if just one more migrant (read PoC) man were to be deported everything will be fixed.
Now that I think about it, I wonder if being open to a relationship with Russia actually does the AfD favours in terms of opening up possibilities for trade again. Then again, the average German is at this point so Russopobic and such a Putin hater that this would be a non-starter. It's probably also the case that any trade gained with Russia is trade lost with the US, so it could be zero sum.