People are getting caught up on semantics vs. ethics in this thread. Is it vandalism? Yes, textbook. Is it okay? Also yes, fuck these people for bankrolling his coup.
A place to post your Cybertruck fails!
No doxxing and all the basic rules of a sub
Guerrilla brand reinforcement.
Where can i buy this? Exactly what I'm looking for, but its hard to search for lol
Edit: on second thought this would probably cause more harm than good, to folks who might see the flag and feel unsafe. I'll have to come up with something better
IANAL. So to answer the question "Is this vandalism" it depends. If it's a sticker that takes considerable effort to remove then yes. But static cling or magnets are not. Hope this helps
I hope that removing it is next to impossible because it breaks down into tiny little wispy shreds, I also hope the adhesive strips the stainless clear coat.
I really hope that everybody who bought one of those cars has the worst possible experience someone can have with the vehicle. It seems designed to give them that and I for one look forward to it. I hope the price on them drops so low that they're barely worth the price of a battery... I wouldn't mind owning one of them to repurpose as a power wall.
That's a fair thing to want. But one thing you probably know about cyberfuck owners is that they're petty little shit birds. So be prepared for the small claims.
I wouldn't even trust it for that tbh
You are looking for "eggshell" stickers...purposefully made for vandalism
Sure are a lot of people offended by the implications here. 😶 Fuck Elon, fuck Trump, and fuck all the individual Nazis. They deserve infinitely worse than stickers.
Yeah, the guy who drives it
What's wrong about vandalism? No, I am serious, people use vandalism as a proxy to name every action they do not like. Fuck this. Vandalism for me is equal as destruction of property. Is sticker a destruction? No. Is paint on sculpture of long dead bastard a vandalism? Still no.
No me it's the effort required to return something to its original state so i disagree with you on the paint on a statue.
Also a sticker could be vandalism if it's one of those fuckers they use for cheap price tags that Never really come off. If it peels off easily in one go than no I wouldn't call it vandalism.