They also think I am a furry and they are spot on
From furry to femboy is like getting out of bed and going to the bathroom
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They also think I am a furry and they are spot on
From furry to femboy is like getting out of bed and going to the bathroom
Yes master 😵💫
Bro is being gaslighted by Instagram ads lmao
The algorithms know you better than you know you.
Me getting ads for feminine clothes on YouTube:
My YT ads are this way to horny ai comic garbage that I suppose is directed towards 12 year olds. (Instagram is a lot closer to the truth)
The funniest part is I think of myself as femboy or trans
My friend, you tried your hardest to deny your truth, and your subconscious still leaked through :D
I mean, my mom DID want a daughter and got two sons instead... My brother already became a twink now it's my time to shine.
You forgot the don't, or more likely your subconscious didn't.
I'm afraid so lmao. I mean I wouldn't care about wearing a skirt as long as it suits me.